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Chapter 11
"....Fuck you, Muzan!"



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News flash: You are stuck. Both of your arms are tied together and your legs are also....most people would enjoy this. But because of your current situation this is everything but pleasant.

"God damn demon!" You yelled. Struggling to break your body free. "...I swear if your doing this to The others also I will legitimately run up on onto this roof and decapitate you myself!"

What do I do? Oh wait a minute.

You turned to your good arm that was holding your sword. Taking a deep breath before digging your teeth straight into the tendril. Bring down HARD. You felt the tentacle grow weak for a second as you eventually bit off a chunk of it, spitting it out before repeating the process again once more to fully release your arm.

With your good arm free, you were no longer in trouble! Lucky you, huh?

You striked at the flesh, releasing your limbs before immediately running over towards a tendril about to reach a passenger. As soon as you did so, you felt the train flip over. Tossing yourself and the passengers on top of each other.

"God damn it! I literally just broke a leg bone and this isn't helping!" You grumbled.

"Time to get out of this train wreck, literally."


"Y/n! Your okay!" Tanjiro yelled out, rushing over towards you before inevitably falling onto the ground.

You ran over towards him worriedly. Scanning his body for any injuries. He looked severely beat up.

He stared at you concerned. "Are you alright y/n?" He asked. You were taken aback from his words.

"Tanjiro! You are literally dying why are you asking me that? You idiot!" You yelled angrily. Crossing your arms.

"I see you both mastered total concentration breathing constant! Your both one step closer to becoming a Hashira, That's one out of 10000 need I mind you."

You let out a chirp from shock. Turning your head upwards to see the familiar flamey-haired male. "Rengoku! Stop sneaking up on me like that!" You shouted. Becoming slightly more irritated.

Rengoku let out a chuckle, before speaking. "Y/n. Go check on the others! From what I know Tanjiro has the biggest injury currently and I need to help him while you work on the others!"

You rolled your eyes before mumbling a 'okay' and headed towards the group.

There stood Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko. If you were gonna be honest, you had no clue how to heal people. Hell, the only safety precaution you knew was Stop, Drop, and Roll.

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