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Chapter 24
"Mirror demon 2.0"


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You blinked awkwardly at the demon in front of you, who held a stern glare.

"If Im being honest I didn't know I could do that." You admitted.

The demon rolled his eyes before sending countless large shards of mirrors your way. You used your sword to direct them away from you and instead back towards the lower moon.

Sky breathing: Fifth form, Starry haze.

Since your wing were still tucked away you decided to instead run circles around your opponent. You raised your sword up before slicing down on the demons lower half, completely chopping it off before raising your sword once again and aiming for the demons head.

Suddenly, a large, sharp shard came towards you. Going straight through your shoulder.

You wobbled backwards, resisting to scream from the pain. You didn't want to show any reaction from its attack. It would give the demon an advantage.

Suddenly, countless more came your way. You ripped the large shard out of your shoulder, blood spilling out as you dodged the new shards barreling towards you. One of them barely grazing your hand.

Sky breathing: Third form-

Suddenly, balls of glass were thrown at you, your eyes widened as you managed to dodge them. A ball came flying past your head, missing, but yet the wind left a scar on your cheek. "Woah! Damn! Some throw power you have!" You complimented.

"Stop trying to make small talk! We are not friends!"

"Oh come on, when was the last time you actually had a conversation with somebody?" You asked. Rolling your eyes.

He paused for a second, lost in thought.

Sky breathing: Fourth form, Hunters shot.

You were shot forward, aiming for the demons head. You suddenly felt him kicked into your stomach. Sending you flying backwards, you once again landed on your feet, stumbling slightly.

A smile grew on the demons face. "Where did you learn to land like this? Not even most Hashira can land properly after being thrown into the air."

"Oh. Uh. You really aren't the first person to kick me around. Several demons- and people have done it before." You chuckled. Thinking back upon the several times. "Hey! Wait a minute, didn't you just say to stop making small talk?"

Countless shards came out of the ground, some more flying straight at you. Eh, I've been hiding my wings after all this time, it wouldn't hurt to finally show them.

You immediately took your wings out of your haori. Taking off in the blink of an eye.

The demons eyes widened, looking around confused before his eyes landed on you sitting on a tree branch, jaw slightly dropping at the sight of your wings.

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