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Chapter 39
"Main characters are like onions, they have layers."

You watched as Tengen started sending strike after strike at Gyutaro. You watched waiting for an opening.

You shivered slightly, suddenly your body felt heavy as you turned to help Tengen fight. The poison from the demons sickles must be sinking in, this is gonna be so annoying.. to make things easier you decided to take out your wings form your outfit. "God..it feels so weird to have them out again after like 3 days- how long have I been in this fucking sex district?- whatever."

You flew into the sky and positioned yourself just above the upper moon, before shooting yourself downward. Sky breathing, second form: down pour

You landed onto the demon, penetrating your sword right through his arm nailing him down to the floor. The demons eyes widened. "Y-Your the one Muzan warned us about!"

You tilted your head. "Warned about or told you about?"

"Warned-" he suddenly froze up, realizing he messed up, you saw Tengen raise one of his swords up to try and decaptitate him before you stopped him.

"Wait- warned? Tell me what he warned you about." You demanded curiously, crossing your arms as you looked at him.

"As if I'd tell you!-"

"Your gonna die anyways- just tell me." You said logically. Looking down at him with a irritated expression on your face. The upper moon looked as if he was about to kill you right then and there just because of it.

Tengen spoke up. "I mean, she does have a point,"

Gyutaros eyes narrowed before he ripped the sword out of his arm and threw it at you in the blink of an eye, you didn't get to react in time as it went straight through your throat, you took a step back before trying to signal Tengen for help. Though, he already started to fight with Gyutaro again and he didn't seem to notice as he continued on the fight. Not acknowledging what had happen.

You stumbled backwards before pulling the sword out of your throat, the pain being agonizing. But you couldn't scream- your  body wouldn't let you. Wether that would be because of the sword going straight into your throat or the state of shock your in.You watched blood spill out of your throat and staining your clothes. You fell to your knees, placing your hand to your throat as your eyes widened.

A small puddle of blood started forming around you. You tried your best to stay awake- but the poison coursing through your veins made it hard. Don't go to sleep- don't!

Utatori? Can't you do something!?

I don't really know what to do with injuries-

What?! You can give me wings but not fix a wound?

I'm not the god of healing. I'm the god of- what am I the god of actually...whatever- look. I think you'll be fine for now, just hold on and I'm sure somebody will come to help.

You think I'll be fine?!

Oh shut it and just suck it up.

Excuse you?! You try being stabbed in the throat!

You fell to the ground, completely being knocked unconscious.

You opened your eyes. Seeing yourself in- the sky?! "What the fuck?!"

"I'd watch your language, if I were you."

"WHA-" you spun around to see a woman, at least 6 feet tall looking down at you. "Woah." You looked her up and down. Taking in her features. She had Snow White skin and long pastel yellow hair. she wore a long, puffy white dress. She had a calming presence- a motherly one- one of the most surprising features she had were the rams horns on her head and her red eyes. "I'm sorry- who are you and where am I?" You asked.

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