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Chapter 28


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You stepped outside, taking a big breath of air before sighing dramatically. After the party, you fell asleep immediately. Unfortunately for you, you woke up an hour after and you cannot go to sleep for the life of you. Tiredness and having a hangover does not mix together well.

Suddenly, you heard a voice behind you.

"Ah! Good evening Y/n! I've been looking for you everywhere recently, what luck for me to stumble upon you!"

You slowly turned around to the unfamiliar voice, being met with a tall male with long hair. His rainbow eyes reading "Upper two"  if you were gonna be honest, you would've thought it was a regular person if it weren't for the eyes. "...who are you?"

He frowned slightly. "Where are my manners? My names Douma! Pleasure to meet you!"

You rolled your eyes. "Listen, if your here to kidnap me buzz off. Im having the biggest fucking hangover right now and I don't have time for shit like this." You grumbled.

"You remind me of a good friend of mine! Im sure we are gonna get along swell!"

"Didn't I tell you to buzz off?"

"Ah, sorry. Can't. His orders."

"If this is about him wanting to turn me into a demon tell him I don't wanna, I have a long list of reasons why."

"Ooh, mind telling me all your reasons?" He giggled, not really believing you.

You cleared your throat before speaking. "First, I'll forget all of my friends, Second, have you seen some of those demons? They look like mutated horses and I'm not a fan of it. Third-"

"Am I one of those demons?" He asked curiously, a dumb look on his face as he pointed to himself.

"I know a lot of demons I would smash. You are definitely up there somewhere..so no."


"You don't have a chance though. You killed one my friends sister and I doubt she would approve of my fucking the person who did it. So go away now." You shrugged him off. Rolling your eyes as you felt him grabbing onto your wrist.

"Ah? May I ask who your friend is?"

You glared at him. "None of your business....can you Kidnap me some other day?"

"No can do!"

"I hope a pack of starving hyenas eat you alive." You grumbled, ripping his hand off your wrist before turning around and walking away.

Suddenly, you were picked up bridal style by the male. Catching you completely off guard. "Sorry y/n! But I can't let you go so easily!"

"I will call my bitches on you."

"They aren't nearby, are they? How are you going to get their attention?"

You cleared your throat before yelling. "SHINOBUU! A CERTAIN GAY EYED DEMON IS OVER HERE!"

Douma immediately dropped you on the ground.

You stuck out your tongue at the demon. "Shoo. Like I said I'm having a massive hangover and I don't have time for your bullshit. I've been awake all night and the mixture of a girl who has a hangover, didn't get any sleep, and is being kidnapped by a rapist is not the best."

"I'm not a a rapist!" He mumbled angrily. Crossing his arms like a mad toddler.

"You are so fucking annoying." You grumbled, sitting up from the ground. He suddenly looked up at the sky before looking back down at you.

"Hmph, Fine, I'll go. Only because the sun is coming up."

You looked into the sky, seeing the sun rising. "Good riddance."

"Bye Y/n!"

"Fuck off!"


No taisho era secrets?! 😨😨

Short chapter, just felt like putting this one out here :p (OMG 550 reads?! If this gets to 1k I will spice things up a bit if yk what I mean. Most likely just makeout sessions with a character.)


Word count: 648

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