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Chapter 4
"Babies first mission."



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"Y/n! Your sword arrived!" Tanjiro called with a large smile on his face. He looked super excited despite the fact it was your sword that was here, not his. His and Inosukes sword maker or whatever hadn't shown up yet. But yours was swift to forge the sword and deliver It.

Oh- it's been a week or so since final selection, when you came back everybody was pumped and the people working at the butterfly mansion made you f/f (Favorite Food), Zenitsu went feral when he found out you got a broken rib. He said something about "I will go kill that demon again in the afterlife" or something like that.

Tanjiro grabbed your hand, leading you out towards the garden.

In the garden, stood a man with a strange mask on his face. He immediately rushed over to you as soon as he saw you.

"Good evening L/n! I'm Mr. Wakarimasen. I'm the one who forged you your blade." He greeted you, handing you a sword.

"It's nice meeting you!" You said with a large smile. Taking hold of the sword.

You gazed at it, On the side of the sword it had some sort of writing on it. It's a shame you didn't get a proper education so you could actually read it. Whatever.

You remember Tanjiro telling you something about having to hold the sword in some sort of way for it to change colors. So, you just gripped it firmly in your hand in hopes to be able to make it change colors.

"You did a really good job at forging this." You praised Mr. Wakarimasen.

The side of the sword changed from a gray color to a light blue, at the tip of the sword however faded into a yellow.

"I never have seen a two colored sword before. May I ask what breathing technique you use L/n?"

You glanced at him, Quickly turning away because of how unsettling his mask was. "I use sky breathing, I made it myself." You said proudly. Earning a humm from Mr. Wakarimasen.

"Sky breathing? That's new. May I ask where that form branched off of?"


"Well I uh- erm...branched it off of thin air? I don't know, I just observed random breathing styles and made my own."

Mr Wakarimasen nodded his hand confusingly, "is your wings like the sun breathing mark? Does that mean your chosen to be able to use it?" He asked. You shook your head confusingly. "Sorry no, I don't know what you talking about."

"Nevermind then-"


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