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Chapter 40
"Magical beings, magical beings..and more magical beings."

(Wow, this chapter actually has a photo at the start?! How rare as of now

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(Wow, this chapter actually has a photo at the start?! How rare as of now.)

"So..where are we going again?"

Habu glanced at you as she walked in front of you. Not bothering to pause. "We're going to meet up with Utatori. He'll know what to do with you."

You tilted your head. "But- Utatori said he couldn't heal me?"

She nodded. "Oh yeah..well, even if he can't heal you, No other god is allowed to really do anything to you without the permission of Utatori."


"It's law among us gods to not bother the humans of other gods. Don't want to accidentally start a war against gods, Y'know?" Habu said nonchalantly. You looked at her curiously.

"Im sorry? Your referring to me as if Im Utatori's pet or something." You crossed your arms angrily.

"Well, that's because you are."


She suddenly paused. You almost ran into her, barely missing as you froze up. She then spoke up. "We're here." You looked around, not knowing what she was talking about- all that was around you was clouds.

Habu traced a 'X' in the air in front of them, suddenly a portal opened leading to a room that looked like some sort of lab. You squinted your eyes as you looked at it in complete awe. Right now I really wish I chose some better power over wings. "Come on." Habu stepped into the portal, urging you to follow.

You stepped into it also, as soon as you entered the portal closed.

Around you, were test tubes filled with mysterious substances, robots, and some weird symbols on the tables and floors.

"I never really took Utatori of a science type of person." You mumbled, picking up a test tube with a yellow glowing liquid in it. Habu immediately took it from you.

"Don't touch that." She ordered. "If you spill that it can quite literally destroy several galaxies."

Your mouth formed an 'o'. You hummed in acknowledgment before continuing to explore. Habu watched you carefully as if you were some toddler that needed to be supervised. (Which, to be honest, what it felt like to the immortal being.)

"So, back to the 'humans are pets' topic, do you literally have like..pet humans with collars and stupid names like biscuit?"

"No." She said bluntly.

"Oh. Okay." You sighed, you didn't want to admit to it but you really wanted to meet somebody named 'Teddy' who was basically a pet dog but human. You would definitely remember that for all of eternity.

After a while of walking around, you heard somebody enter the room. You turned around to see a Tall man, he looked like he was around 17. He had fluffy white hair that was quite literally made out of clouds and had pale white skin. On his back were wings of a seraphim. Your jaw dropped. This form looked much different than the other one he showed you back when you fought that lower moon that went into your head or whatever.

"What- Y/n!?"

"Utatori?! That's you?! What?!"

Utatori looked at you with a shocked look on his face. "What are you doing here?! I leave for like five minutes and you die and come to the afterlife?!" He started ro ramble. "Oh my god! Do you have any idea what's gonna happen?! Earth could get over run by demons for fucks sake! Who's gonna kill Muzan?! All your progress is gonna go to waste!"

Habu interrupted him. "Listen, We're gonna revive Y/n together, Got it Utatori?"


"Revive her?! That hasn't been done in centuries!- the last time we revived someone was in the 1700s!" He groaned in annoyance.

Habu rolled her eyes. "Listen!" She placed his hand on his shoulders. Trying to get his undivided attention. "Me and you are gonna send her back to her body- before anybody else sees her."

He hesitated for a second, before sighing. "fine. We can try to revive her."

Your eyes lit up. "Okay! What do we do first?!" You asked.

Suddenly the three of you were teleported into a room with a 3D map on a large white table, you stared in shock.

Utatori pointed at a temple on the far side of the map. "So-"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..What just happened? How did we teleport from a lab to a map room- are we in some action movie?" You asked, confused.

Utatori rolled his eyes before continuing. "Over here is the temple. Where we can find The crystal of stars- which is a crystal that grants the ability to revive somebody." He continued. You groaned in annoyance as you realized he wouldn't be answering you. "There usually isn't many gods over here. So it should be a piece of cake sneaking in and taking it- one of our main problems is getting from over here.." he pointed to a area on the map with a X symbol which was a good distance away from the temple. "To there."

"Can't you just teleport there?"

"Magic doesn't work like that." Utatori addressed.

You stared in disbelief. "So..you can teleport us to some weird map room but not to some dumb temple?"

Habu spoke up. "We don't have the time to explain all of this to you, the clock is ticking. Y/n. You will stay here while me and Utatori go and get the crystal."

You groaned. "What?! Why can't I come?" You whined.

"It's to dangerous, if any other god sees you it will cause a scene- not to mention some gods aren't as friendly as others..they might try to harm you or something." Habu said.

"Well. I'm already dead, so how will they hurt me?"

Utatori sighed. "Let's just take her. The worse that could happen is that she will get in a roast battle with Cozby.."

"Who's Cozby?" You asked.

"Nobody." Habu said. Sighing "let's just go. Stay near us at all times." She ordered. You groaned, annoyed at the fact they weren't gonna tell you who Cozby was.



-Decided to give these news characters confirmed heights...Habu is 6'7 and Utatori is 5'11.

-Most gods you'll meet are gonna be tall af. (Yes you'll meet more)


I no longer have writers block 😭😭 I'd like to thank my grandma, my mom, Jesus Christ, god himself and everybody in between


Word count: 1076

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