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Chapter 37
"And so it begins."

No photo in this?! Maybe it got deleted randomly, or maybe the writer is to lazy to put one in here?! We will never know.. (it's obviously the latter.)

You watched as Tanjiro continued to beat up the demon, you squinted curiously

"Okay, no way in hell is that an uppermoon. Aren't uppermoon supposed to be strong? Cause if Tanjiro is winning this fight I doubt she's an uppermoon. Hell, that horny train demon was harder to fight then her.." you mumbled. Watching the scene in front of you.

Tanjiro suddenly went flying off of the roof. Catching you completely off guard as you ran over to try and catch him, failing.

You were gonna go and kill the demon, when suddenly Nezuko emerged and started beating her up. You watched in absolute disbelief. She came out of nowhere.

"Nezuko! Watch out- oh okay." You paused as you watched nezuko get split in half. And was sent flying off the roof. You immediately ran after.

Once you made it you saw the demon walking towards Nezuko

You raised your sword before slashing directly at her neck. Her eyes widened from shock as she immediately jumped out of the way and sent Obi at you "back off you brat!" She yelled, her eyebrows narrowed at you.

You dodged all of the obi she sent at you. "You need to think of more insults. Something more offensive." You said bluntly. "Maybe say I'm as flat as a 2 dimensional shape- maybe say my head looks like a deflated balloon, maybe even-"

"Shut up! I have no time to listen to your rambling you-"

You watch as her head was slammed into the ground. You looked up to see Nezuko was in her demon form. She had shoved daki into the ground.

"Kick ass." you mumbled.

Suddenly, Nezuko started to repeatedly shove her foot in daki. A grin grew on her face.

"BAD NEZUKO! Bad! Don't become evil! Nuh-uh!" You started running at nezuko to try and stop her when she raised her leg up aimed directly at your head. Which you dodged with ease.

"Sky breathing, fourth form, hunters shot." You mumbled as you launched off the ground.  you kicked her in her stomach which caused her to get sent flying backwards into a house. Your eyes widened as you realized civilians were in there. "Shit balls!"

You rushed over towards her, your eyes widened as you saw her reach over for a person.

Suddenly, Tanjiro ran behind her and held her back. You sighed in relief. "Jesus.." you sighed as you went next to him. Watching him struggle to stop nezuko. "That terrified me..." you wiped some sweat off your forehead. Before the a bunch of obi burst through the wall. Revealing Dani with a intense look on her face.

"You have a lot of nerve, doing that to me.." she said sternly. "Your starting to irritate me like no other."

You smirked. Positioning yourself next to Tanjiro. "Heard that before." You chuckled. When suddenly a familiar, tall man appeared in front of you.

"Is this Nezuko Kamado?" He asked, crouching down and looking at the flailing Nezuko.

"Tengen!" You said happily. Smiling.

He looked at you, standing up from where he was crouched. "Sorry for being late. Had to save my wives- and those two knuckleheads." You nodded along. Knowing that he was referring to Inosuke and Zenitsu.

"Ooh..I was wondering where they were while we were beating up that upper moon." You thought out loud, ignoring the fact Tanjiro was still struggling to contain Nezuko. "Now that I'm thinking about it she only seems like a lower moon."

"WHAT?! A LOWER MOON?! IM A UPPER MOON, I AM! I HAVE THE MARKING ON MY EYE TO PROVE IT!" She shout from behind you two. Both you and Tengen rolled your eyes in unison.

"If your an upper moon, you wouldn't be so weak."

Suddenly, her head fell to the floor. It took you a moment to process but you realized that Tengen had just killed her.

"Sick!" You yelped as you saw Nezuko's claws go a little to close to your ankle. "Down, Betsy!" You snarled. Stomping on her fingers. Tengen looked at Nezuko. "Don't you have her trained or something?" He asked, If it weren't for the fact Tanjiro was struggling to hold back Nezuko he most likely would've deadpanned.

"Sing her a lullaby or something to calm her down." You recommended, Tengen smirked.

"I was just about to say that."

"Great minds think alike." You said with a smug smirk. Sheathing your sword into its holder. Tengen smirked also.


Tengen deadpanned and turned around to face her. "If you were really a uppermoon you wouldn't be so weak."

Suddenly Nezuko launched her and Tanjiro out of the building. You froze up as you watched it happen. "Holy shit- the fight has barely begun and so many weird things has happened, what's next? Another demon will show up?" You joked.

"Don't jinx it." Tengen said with a smirk.

"Yeah, cause another demon would definitely show up."

Daki's eyes narrowed. "HELP ME! BROTHER!" She called out, tears starting to fall from her eyes as the two fo you faced her.

Tengen then turned to you with a irritated face. "Okay. Thanks a lot y/n." He grumbled sarcastically while you just looked at the scene with disbelief. A demon was starting to emerge out of the girls decapitated body.

Without saying a word you calmly sat on the ground, pausing for a moment before plopping onto your back and groaning in annoyance. "You gotta be kidding me.."

Tengen side-eyes you before launching himself off the ground directly aimed for the new demons head.



-every time daki tried to talk, you and Tengens talking cut her off.

-idk what to put here if I'm gonna be honest


Emerges from the depths of hell to post this and then proceeds to scamper away back into said depths of hell


Word count: 1032

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