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Chapter 2
"A real friend."

You fell onto the ground with a loud thud

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You fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Shinobu looking at you as you did so. What's new? She has always been constantly staring at you since you first arrived at the Butterfly mansion. Yet barely had anything to say.

You were currently doing "Rehabilitation Training" or as you call it: "Hardcore 'what the fuck is going on' training." Since this is demon slayer level of training you're nowhere near as skilled as your supposed to be. The other people who were injured here are way above your level. (Despite the fact 2 of them have recently stopped showing up for training), but one of them has been keeping a good streak of attendances. He has a reddish hair color and a strange birth mark on his forehead, he also wore some wicked cool earrings. (You envy him for it, you've always wanted to pierce your ears.)

You've yet to exchange names yet. Despite the fact how he has been very curious about your wings. Same with his friends, one of them, A boy with yellow hair, has been playing with your wings non-stop and keeps on calling your wings- and you, pretty. The other one wore a boar mask that you've never seen him take off. He would constantly try to rip off your wings and try to eat them. People in your town threatened to eat your wings for dinner, but never have you seen somebody actually try and go through with it. You honestly felt mad respect for him for that.

The dude with the earrings was currently lifting up boulders using a rope. Despite the fact you have a strength boost you still find it difficult. How could some average boy do such a thing? Makes me question if I'm really worthy to kill a fucking king of demons.

"This is so cruel!" You whined while you were Still on the ground from when you fell off of the fence you were running on.

"I'm sure you'll get it eventually, Y/n." The boy comforted you. A small gentle smile on his face. How does he know my name?!

You stuck your tongue out at him. Slowly lifting yourself up and dusting yourself off. "Eventually? I'm pretty sure maybe in the next 50 years." You grumbled.

"Whenever I began training it took me a while to get a hang of things too, if you ask me I think your doing good."

You muttered some things to yourself as you went back to the start of the fence. "Tanjiros right, Y/n." A feminine voice called out from behind you, you immediately pivoted and saw shinobu's eyes staring into yours. How did I not hear her coming here? And is that boys name Tanjiro? "You are doing a excellent job so far for somebody who has recently started! I'm sure you'd make a wonderful demon slayer. But I have been meaning to ask you y/n...what breathing style will you be using?" Shinobu spoke, putting a finger to her chin.

There was silence for a moment. "I haven't thought that far, is it possible I can make my own breathing style?" You asked. Shinobu nodded slightly. "Of course, Mitsuri, The love hashira made her own breathing style, though it was based off of Rengoku's flame breathing."

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