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Chapter 30
"Kidnapped...once again."


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You sweatdropped. "Okay, Aoi- I know I have a reputation of sneaking out but that one time was unwillingly..." you giggled awkwardly.

Aoi was about to fuss at you before Tengen spoke up. "We are going to the entertainment district for a mission, got it?"

"Hold on- isn't that the place with the hot women?" You asked, a small smile growing on your face. Aoi stared at you in disbelief.

He rolled his eyes. "Precisely."

"FUCK YEAH! I'm gonna get myself a hot girlfriend!"

"Hey! Let go of Y/n and Aoi you kidnapper!" Naho shouted, pointing their finger at Tengen.

Tengen looked down at the girl, before continuing forward.

Sumi started to glare at Tengen, deciding to do something about it. "CHAAARRGE!"

Suddenly, the two other girls started to scream as well, running up at Tengen and attempting to attack him. To which he struggled to keep his footing, every now and then you could've sworn he was gonna drop you. Oh come on, just let me see those hot women!

"Get off me you brats!"

"Hey! Let go of those girls!"

Everybody suddenly paused, turning their heads to Tanjiro, who had spoken up. He paused also as if realizing that he was in fact being attacked by the girls.

"E-eh...uh..let go of Y/n!" He yelled. Looking angrily at Tengen.

Aoi's jaw dropped offendedly.

"Oh uh..I mean...Let go of Y/n and Aoi!"

Tengen smirked. "I'm just saying, I think y/n wants to come with." He said, looking over to you. You had a large toothy grin on your face. "FUCK YEAH!" You exclaimed, pumping your fist in the air.

"Well....just let go of Aoi!"

"I can't, I need three girls for this mission."

"What if we take Aoi's spot?"

Tengen blinked. "We?"

Suddenly, both Inosuke and Zenitsu appeared to the sides of Tanjiro, your mouth formed a 'o'.

You started clapping. "Look at that! Flashy, wasn't it Tengen?" You glanced at him. you were still on his shoulder, smiling slightly.

"I suppose so...Fine! The three of you can come." He said, immediately dropping Aoi on the floor.

Wait a minute, didn't Zenitsu say  Inosuke hit his head on a rock earlier? Isn't he suppose to be in bed right now? Whatever..it's Inosuke.


Tengen flicked your nose, you instinctively reached your hand up to your face at the sudden gesture. "We talked about this, you gotta tone down on the eagerness to get a girl, you don't want them thinking your down bad for them- Even though you are." Tengen corrected.

You hummed in acknowledgment. "Okay!" You said with a smile, the trio all deadpanned at you.



-you almost landed a date with a girl before, but because of how eager you were she got creeped out and ghosted you. Tengen gave you a whole lecture about it.

-Literally everybody besides Tengen were so surprised when you basically said you wanted to be kidnapped.

-Tengen knew that you'd want to go because how you always get flustered around his wives and literally every hot female in general.


Wowwowowowow new arc starting?? (This arc was actually suppose to start on chapter 25 but I was like 'I mustn't...because I haven't read the manga past it and after sword smith village arc I'll be clueless and I need to stall' but here I am.)

Short chapter :(


Word count: 590

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