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Chapter 19
"The worst thief in history."


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You looked up at your haori proudly. "It only took three hours and one day of learning how to stitch....and it's as good as new!" You said proudly. Your once torn and tattered haori now looking new.

You slid on the haori before shuffling your wings through the back holes. Proudly opening the door and seeing Urokodaki sitting where he normally sat.

"I'm gonna get going already! I have a loooooong trip ahead of me and I don't want it to get dark when I get there." You said with a smile.

Urokodaki sat up from where he was sitting. Approaching you. "Have a safe journey." He said simply. Taking out a fox mask from god knows where and handing it to you. (What it looks like will be at the A/n at the end of this chapter for those interested!)

You looked at it in at awe, before a smug grin appeared on your face. "Does that mean you actually enjoy my company?" You teased.

You could feel his glare through his mask.

"Sorry uh- thanks for the mask- oh, and also thanks for not letting me die y'know? I'll be sure to write to you at some point." You said your goodbye, to which he only huffed.

You opened the door before sliding it close.

You looked around your surroundings. "Now which way did I originally come from?...."


You eventually found your way out of the mountain and now was currently in a small town nearby. To make sure you didn't get any weird stares, you tucked your wings into your uniform, wrapping them around your body before deciding to go to a rather large store full of clothing and other goodies. Something that caught your eye was a cute gold hairPin with a design of a blue spider lily on the end of it. "Cute!"

You picked it up. Observing it before sneakily putting it in a pocket of your haori. You didn't really bring money with you so you couldn't pay. You could just only hope nobody saw you-

"HEY! Are you trying to steal?!"

You flinched at a masculine voice yelling behind you. Good thing I was given a mask earlier. You immediately tied the mask around your head, before slowly turning around to face the man.

He looked like your average every day man. Not hard to run from.

You broke into a run. Dodging all the people in your way as you neared the end of the village.

Suddenly, you felt a hand grab yours. Jerking your body to a stop.

You turned your head around to be met with a stranger with muted purple eyes, their face littered with scars. Your eyes widened behind your mask from surprise.

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