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Chapter 33


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You sat next to Zenitsu, A Biwa in your hands. You only looked at it confused.

You turned to look at Zenitsu who was strumming some strings on the Biwa.

Suddenly, he interrupted into music. You swear you could see some lightning surrounding him as he was going ham. Your jaw dropped in disbelief. You had no clue he could place instruments.

The women watching you guys started whispering among themselves while you just stared at him in absolute awe.

"That's so cool! Teach me!"

Zenitsu suddenly paused, looking over at you. "Oh- oh of course! Anything for you Y/n!" He said, a large smile on his face.

A smile grew on your face from his response. He started to teach you about the different strings and how to hold the Biwa correctly. If you were honest, it was much harder than you originally thought, at first you thought it would be as easy as just strumming some random strings. But nope.

Zenitsu smiled. "It may be confusing at first y/n. But I'm sure you'll get it eventually! Maybe you can learn some simple song for now? Like a lullaby? That's where most people-"

You rolled your eyes, immediately strumming at your Biwa. Playing the exact same song Zenitsu was playing just a second ago. A large smile was plastered on your face whilst you did so.

Once you finished, you looked up at Zenitsu. "I did it! I remembered all the chords and everything! Are you proud of me?"

Zenitsu stared with wide eyes, eventually speaking up. ".....of course I am! Your so perfect Y/n!"

You giggled childishly before embracing Zenitsu in a hug. The males face turning a slight pink.


"Y/n, are you free right now?"

You turned around to see a older woman standing behind you. "Hm? What is it miss?"

"I hate to be a bother but could you help us cook dinner for the younger ones? Normally the chaperone helps me but today she isn't here." She asked, a small smile on her lips.

You thought for a moment. "Hmm....I guess I can help! But.. I don't know that many recipes." You awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of your head.

"Oh, it's fine Y/n!" She said, grabbing hold of your hand and dragging you towards the kitchen.

Once you arrived at the rather large kitchen the lady started to take out different ingredients. You stared at her move around swiftly, knowing where everything was.

She suddenly paused, turning her head to face you. "Y/n..I have a question.."

"Hm? Yes ma'am?"

"Is it true the man who sold you here was hot? Is he your father?"

Your face turned red. "W-wha? I mean- I guess he's hot. Really hot. And no he is not my father.." you chuckled.

"Oh? Then how do you know him?"

"Oh, uh...." You paused, trying to think of something that wouldn't sound suspicious. "Uh....he found me on the streets one day when I was homeless and took me in. And now I'm here." I mean, you weren't really lying.

She smiled brightly. "And he's a gentleman to! Taking in some homeless girl!" She said, her face pink as she was practically fangirling over Tengen (Mood.)

You chuckled. "What are we making miss?"

"Oh, I was thinking of making Yakisoba. The younger ones are a big fan of that dish!" A large smile was on her face as she put some materials on the table. "You do know how to make Yakisoba right?"

You shook your head no.

She frowned. "It's a shame...you have the looks to be a wife yet you can't cook, what are you gonna do when you have kids y/n? You aren't just gonna make your husband cook right?"

You deadpanned at her words. "If I'm being honest, Miss...I don't have any plans on having kids or a husband..."

She looked at you in surprise. "Y/n, of course you want a husband and kids! I mean, eventually you will be sold off into marriage. Y'know that right? And then you'll need to have kids!"

"Bleh! That's so gross! Sold off into marriage?! Come on! What about that true love shit?! I don't want to get forced into a marriage with some ugly man with a shit personality..."

"Y/n! You don't know if they are ugly and have a bad personality or not."

"Come on! Imagine having to buy a fucking wife because no women actually like you. That's so pathetic."

Her mouth formed a 'o'. "That...that honestly makes sense."

You scoffed. "Exactly! Now let's make the Yakisoba, shall we?"



-...I dunno anymore man.


I absolutely hate writers block...but hey, at least because of some hurricane coming by tomorrow is a half day and the day after is a 2 hour delay. Hopefully will spend that extra time writing.

Expect less frequent updates. Sorry, I have so much planned for this book and my other one but I cannot find the will to actually write it. I just wish it would just magically appear on my screen lmao. Anyways, be grateful I'm feeding y'all these chapters in the first place. 😘


Word count: 876

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