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Chapter 23
"Y/n the lower moon magnet."


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You grumbled as you tucked your wings into your uniform before putting on your haori. "Alright, Whats today's mission Utatori?"

I've been feeling a strong presence nearby the butterfly mansion, most likely a lower moon. It's best if you deal with it so it doesn't hurt anybody here.

"Alright!" You exclaimed, walking through the front door to the training area. Your eyes widened from surprise as you saw Rengoku talking to Aoi. Oh...shit bro. I still haven't talked to him after I beat up that guy- y'know what? I'm sure he forgives me.

"Oh, hey Y/n. Is everything okay?"

"Oh uh.." You froze. "Yeah I Uhh. Yeah." You said before running off

You heard Utatori sigh. The sun was just beginning to set, meaning the demon would be coming out soon enough. Most demon slayers would be afraid of dying when fighting a lower moon, but you have been a lower moon magnet sense you've started the demon slayer core. Oh! Also you know for a fact you will not be dying. Since Muzan wants to turn you into a demon or what not.

You glanced around the forest. Seeing no sign of the demon. This is boring.

To your left.


You were suddenly kicked from your side, sending you flying. Lucky for you, people have done this to you countless times and you have now grown use to it. You landed on your feet, drawing your sword immediately at the demon that kicked you.

The demon looked almost like a regular human, it had short strawberry blonde hair and green eyes that wrote "lower moon one" whatever that means. the only thing that stood out to you was it's deer antlers made out of a mirror sticking out of its head

Well shoot, it's lower moon one.

That's to bad, I don't know what that means!

"Helloo! I'm guessing your the demon I will be fighting today! Who are you? How are you?" You said with a smile, waving one of your hands to him.

The demon paused at your question, most likely surprised that you decided to choose that to be the first thing you said to him. You took the opportunity to use one of your breathing techniques sky breathing: Third form, rushing winds. You shot yourself forward, making swerving motions whilst making your way towards the demon. Lifting up your sword and slicing down at the demons arms. Completely slicing them off, you landed on the other side of the demon.

He glared at you before raising his hands up, Out of the ground came several mirror spikes being summoned underneath you. Your eyes widened as you realized something- this guy had the same blood demon art as the first ever demons you fought. Was it a coincidence that you were fighting a lower moon with the same exact blood demon art? Or is something else happening here?

You jumped to dodge the mirror shards. Before raising your sword up. Sky breathing: Fourth form, Hunters shot. You positioned your legs correctly before pushing off and raising your sword above your head, aiming for the demons neck.

Suddenly, several large mirror shards were thrown at you. You were barely able to graze the demons neck before several shards hit your cheek and collarbone.

You immediately jumped out of the way to avoid some more. Damn it! I should've worn my mask. You narrowed your eyes at the figure.

"I've never seen a breathing form like yours before." The demon finally spoke, it's voice low and it sounded uncertain.

You awkwardly giggled. "Thanks? I made it myself! A lot of people are making their own breathing forms nowadays. There's plenty, such as sound breathing, Love breathing, Serpent breathing, beast breathing- and oh! An old friend of mine uses ice breathing! I actually haven't talked to them in quite some time...oh! I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry!" You chuckled.

Another large shard came out of the ground, this one coming to be the height of you. You looked at it in shock as multiple came out of the ground.

You swiftly jumped from side to side to dodge them all. Suddenly, large ones were thrown at you from all sides. Fuck! What do I do?!

You took a big gasp of air. I guess this is worth a shot..

"Sun breathing: Fifth form, Fire wheel."

You cut all of the shards clean in half. Leaving you in shock, your jaw dropping as You slowly turned to the demon who shared the same expression.

It finally spoke up. "What the fuck?"



-I felt like it would make sense for y/n to be able to use some sun breathing forms, because y'know, Sky breathing and sun breathing? Y/n isn't able to use most of the forms. Whenever she uses to many sun breathing forms on the same day it can have bad after effects though.


I'm on a roll right now. I literally have been writing on Wattpad for HOURS now and I can't stop. Not even god can strike me down. IM TO POWERFUL!


Word count: 1126

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