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Chapter 25
"I guess I'm worthy?-"


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Your eyes slowly fluttered open. Being greeted by a yellow haired boy sitting down next to your bed, his head laying next to your leg. You giggled at the sight. The sudden sound snapping the boy to his senses.

"Y/n! Your okay! You had everybody worried sick!" Zenitsu exclaimed, wrapping you into a hug which you returned. "You've been in a coma for three weeks!"

Your jaw dropped as you were released from the hug. "THREE WEEKS?!" You echoed. Shocked.

"Yes! What happened to you?! Your all cut up and bruised!"

You awkwardly giggled. "May or May not have got into a pickle with a lower moon.."

"what rank?! You've never come back this bad before when fighting a lower moon!"


His eyes widened from shock and disbelief. "LOWER MOON ONE?! LOWER. MOON...ONE?"

Suddenly the door was opened, out came Tanjiro, his eyes widened as he saw you awake. "Y/n! Your awake!" He exclaimed, immediately rushing over towards you and giving you a hug.

"Yes, I'm awake and fine." You giggled, patting Tanjiro on the back as the boy only held onto you tighter, before suddenly releasing you. "A crow came by the other day, The master wishes to see you." He shared. Holding onto one of your hands while Zenitsu grabbed the other one.

You paused. "The- The master..wants to see me? As in see me in person? Not just talk through letters?" You asked nervously. Sweat dropping.

"Yeah. I don't know why though."

"Oh!" You said awkwardly, getting uncomfortable at the thought of you having to see the master. You didn't know what he'd be like since you never met him before. "...is there a certain day he wants to see me?"

"He said whenever it was possible for you."

You nodded your head along. "Alright, I guess I can go now?" You said with uncertainty. Stepping out of your bed, standing up surprisingly well despite the fact you were severely injured.

Tanjiro gripped harder onto your hand before speaking. "Your still very injured, Y/n!"

Zenitsu spoke up from the other side of him. "He's right y/n, your gonna reopen your wounds if you go now, you just woke up from your coma."

You rolled your eyes. "It's fine, I'm just fine." You slid open the door, before coming to a realization. "...where's the masters estate?"


After countless hours of convincing Shinobu to let you go, you convinced Shinobu to take you to the masters estate.It took a long fucking time to get there, but you eventually made it.

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