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Chapter 30
"I ain't never seen two pretty best friends..or in this case, siblings."


In the blink of an eye Tengen was on the other side of the room, you barely was able to see what happened as the beads from his headbands fell onto the floor. The demon barley missed his face.

You blinked at the scene unfolding in front of you. Confused. "What did they do to your perfect face?" the demon begun, starting to get rid of the burn marks on dakis face, that's when you finally looked at him up and down from where you were sitting on the ground. he turned his head towards Tengen. "Look-"

"Oh- Jesus Christ." You looked at him with slight disgust, his head turned to you immediately, his eyes narrowed at you. "No- I didn't mean that in a bad way- don't beat me up please."

Suddenly Tengen rushed at him again, trying to decapitated him again when the demon took out some red sickles and raised them up to slice at tengen with high speed.

You immediately sat up from where you were sitting, getting ready to intervene when tengen dodged it and moved next to you. He seemed caught off guard by everything happening so far. And you were also, you have just witnessed some weird man come out of a girl who is now trying to kill you.

"Okay. Tanjiro. Nezuko- you gotta get out of here." You advised, waiting for a moment before speaking again. "Oh right you can't really move without nezuko running away..okay." You kicked Tanjiro out of the building, sending him flying away.

"Brother! Those Hashiras bullied me!- and that demon girl and her brother especially!" Daki cried. The man narrowed his eyes at the two of you. As he was about to speak you interrupted him.

"What?! Bullied you?! I'll show you fucking bullying you ugly pathetic excuse of a uppermoon!"

Suddenly, her brother started attacking you with his sickles. Completely catching you off guard as you blocked and dodged all of them. "OH SHIT-" you yelped. Suddenly a loud voice rung through the building, causing you, and the demon to both pause.


Everybody turned their head to see a familiar boar headed boy appearing in the room. The two demons deadpanned as they tried to figure out why he was wearing a boar head.

Shortly after, Zenitsu appeared next to him, sleeping. As you expected.

"Is he sleeping?" Tengen asked. Inosuke was about to speak up when you interrupted him.

"He's only useful like that- pathetic excuse of a demon slayer, am I right?" You said with a smug smirk lowering your katana.

"HEY! I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!" Inosuke protested. You rolled your eyes.

"Well, maybe you should've said it before I did. Pig-head." You teased. Inosuke would've most likely have beaten you up right then and there if it weren't for Gyutaro sliding his sickles at you. Your eyes widened as he slashed at your arm. Leaving a large bleeding wound. "THE FUCK MAN?! NOT FAIR! I CALL TIMEOUT!" You blocked another slice, sending him back a good foot.

"My sickles are laced with poison. You won't last long with that coursing through your veins." He said with a smirk.

"I won't die- I'm to special to die- right Utatori?"


"That wasn't that comforting."

Tengen deadpanned at you. "Yeah, definitely special alright.."

"Yeah- Wait! What are you trynna say?!"

"I'm saying that you boys take the girl there, and me and y/n will handle sickle guy. Got it? Oh. And if Tanjiro shows up tell him to help you two." Tengen brushed you off and immediately ran at Gyutaro. You watched in awe as the fighting took place, it didn't take long for the boys to rush at Daki. In the span of a few minutes the fight moved outside of the building and onto the streets.

You eyed Gyutaro from a short distance near him, but not close enough for him to see you. You Positioned yourself right before slamming your sword down into the ground. Sky breathing: First form, Cloudy skies. "Might Wanna close your eyes!" You advised. Suddenly, dust and sand came off of the ground and into the air. Making everything hard to see.

You took the opportunity to rush at Gyutaro- aiming for the head. Before you could slice down the air cleared- in the blink of an eye he attempted to stab your chest with your sickle, witch you dodged and attempted to slice again at him. Failing as you had to change your plan due to another one of his attacks aimed at you.

You stood next to Tengen, you saw his iconic smirk on his face "things are-"

"-Things are about to get really flashy!" You interrupted him with a smirk. He glared at you.

"That's my line you brat!"

"Oh yeah, my bad, forgot that meant a lot to you...pretend I never said that, go ahead."

Tengen took a deep breath of air before speaking. "Things-" You cut him off. "-Oh wait, wait, wait, it would sound much more cooler if we said it together, right?" You nodded to yourself. Agreeing with your own words as you turned to the demon standing in front of you dumbfounded. "Right?"

"..what?" Gyutaro mumbled, obviously confused as he stood there awkwardly having no clue what to do.

Tengen sighed. "Let's just kill this demon."

"Yeah. Okay."



-The main reason Gyutaro didn't just annihilate you and Tengen while you were talking to eachother is because he instinctively was being polite.


I didn't wanna finish this for like a whole week but I got a comment saying that they wanted another chapter and I was like "oh yeah, people actually read this and want updates."

Anyways, This one goes out to the random user that told me to post it. Sorry I couldn't get it out sooner I thought I published it but turns out I didn't


Word count: 1007

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