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Chapter 29
"Sword delivery"


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"Y/n! Mr. Wakaranai arrived with your sword!" Aoi shouted out to you.

You immediately sat up from your bed and rushed out the door, eventually coming to face the familiar swords smith with the terrifying mask. "Good morning! How are you?" You greeted.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you."

"That's wonderful!"

He handed over the sword to you. "I heard you've recently became a Hashira? Congratulations! It's an honor to be your sword smith."

Your face turned slightly pink from embarrassment. "Aw, thank you!" You giggled, taking the sword from their hand. "I've never actually told anybody this before, but I'm not 100 percent sure what a hashira is..."

He titled his head slightly. "What? You don't know what a hashira is? Haven't you been in the demon slayer corps for around a year?" He asked confusedly.

"Yeah, it's super embarrassing." You chuckled, Firmly holding the sword.

Instead of the usual blue-to yellow gradient on your sword like you were expecting, It was a blue to yellow to black gradient. Your jaw dropped immediately at the sight of it. What the fuck?! "Hey- is that normal for my sword to change colors?"

He let out a 'hm' "I don't think I've ever seen it." He mumbled, poking at your blade. "I better not tell Haganezuka...last time I told him that you had a different colored sword he was extremely jealous." He sighed. Before perking up as if he realized something. "Doesn't your boyfriend have a black blade?" He asked.

"My boyfriend?"

"Yeah, the one with the burgundy hair and forehead scar? Your boyfriend?"

Your face turned red from embarrassment. "W-what?! You must be mistaken...Tanjiro isn't my boyfriend...but he does have a black blade." You awkwardly denied.

"Ah..my apologies. What breathing style does he use?"

"That's complicated..his main breathing style is water but he sometimes uses something called 'hinokami Kagira'? His father apparently knew it and he somehow learned about it..now that I think of it, I actually have use that breathing technique before...but I've never seen him use it." You muttered. "How would that work..."

"Hm. That is rather odd."

You stared at your blade in Awe before turning around. "Would you like to come in? I can make you some Yakisoba if your interested." You offered, looking back at the man.

He thought for a second before speaking. "I'm fine. I should probably head back to my village now. Thanks for the offer though." He said, bowing down slightly before turning around and walking off.

You slightly frowned. An idea coming to your mind. I should probably find Tanjiro and ask him about this. He might know what to do.

You decided to go over towards the training area. Seeing Tanjiro and Zenitsu talking about god knows what. Next to him was Rengoku staring at shark who was tiredly laying on the ground. You giggled at the sight.

"Hey, Tanjiro!" You spoke up when you got close enough to him, he turned his head to you. Zenitsu doing the same.

"Oh! Good morning Y/n!" He greeted with a large smile.

A smile grew on your face as you saw his smile. "Good morning! So- totally random. But do you know anything about your black sword? Like...was it always that color or did it use to be blue or something?" You asked.

He tilted his head slightly, confused. "Uh..it's always been black. I don't know why it's black since I use water breathing. Why?"

"Ohh uh..my sword sort of changed color. It's like- half black now." You said awkwardly.

Zenitsu spoke up. "Eh? What does that mean?"

You rolled your eyes. "That's what I'm asking yall!" You huffed.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu both sighed in sync. "I'm sure it's nothing y/n." Tanjiro mumbled. "It's probably just means you got more experienced or something?"

"Well, she obviously did. She's a hashira now. Dimwit." Zenitsu muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

You deadpanned at the two. "Okay, whatever, I agreed to place chess with Aoi earlier and I need to do that now- wait a minute, I haven't seen Inosuke at all today..where is he?"

Zenitsu was the first to speak up. "Oh! While we were running he tripped over a rock and fell face first into another rock! He's with Aoi right now!"

Tanjiro sighed. "Yeah.."

"That seems like something he'd do.." you mumbled. Before turning around. "Well, I better get going now.. don't do anything weird while I'm gone."


After what felt like forever you weren't able to find Aoi anywhere. So you just resorted to sitting outside of the butterfly mansion in hopes she'd find you.

"Y/n!" Aoi called out to you.

So, she did find you! Good. You didn't want to continue to look around cluelessly for the next hour just to play chess with her. Sorry Aoi, but chess isn't that good of a game. You looked at Aoi, next to her was Kanao and the butterfly triplets.

"Oh! I was just looking for you Aoi!"

"Really? I was actually just-" she was cut off by a pair hands picking her up, before you knew it, you had been picked up also. Judging off of how high up you were you knew it was Tengen.

He turned around, getting ready to just walk off. "Where are we going now? Another party?" You asked. Aoi's angered face became even more angry at your words.




-Your sword smith,Wakarianari name translates to: "I don't know" did his mother name him that? Or is the author to lazy to think of a Japanese name that would make sense?

-Aoi enjoys playing chess with you because you are good competition. (You just move your pawns anywhere without a thought and just hope for the best)




Word count: 1007

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