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Chapter 13
"The Festival."


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Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of pecking at your window.

"Bitch the fuck is it now?" You grumbled, standing up and opening a window to let somebody's crow in.


You put a finger over your mouth to silence the bird. "Stop being so noisy." You took the letter the bird had dropped off before opening it. Reading its contents

'Dear, Y/n. I wanted to say thank you for saving me a while back. Me and some of the Hashira are going to a festival nearby tonight and we wanted to invite you to come with! If you wanna join us, please write back as soon as you can! If not, just ignore this letter.'

You didn't need to read who wrote it since you already knew it was from Rengoku, since it said "Thank you for saving my life."- and despite the fact your whole job as a demon slayer is to save people Rengoku was the only one you technically saved.

You looked up at his crow. "Okay, Crow. Stay right there while I write my letter." You ordered, patting the crow on its head before starting to rummage throughout a drawer that was next to your bed.

Shinobu told me I shouldn't go out at night since I'm one of Muzans targets, but...it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun, right?

You took out a paper and pen before starting to write.

'I would love to go with y'all! But I might be a little late seeing as though Shinobu has forbid me from going outside at night. So I will either need to negotiate with her or just sneak out. Either way I'm definitely going! Can't wait to see all of you guys again after what felt like ages!' You quickly finished it before adding a finishing touch, a drawing of a cat on the bottom corner of the page and a little smiley face on the other corner.

You quickly have the letter to the crow Before It squawked in your ear and flew off. Leaving you alone with most likely a broken eardrum.

".....okay uh..I should most likely get dressed. Right? People dress up when going to festivals I think?"

If you couldn't tell, this is your first time being invited to a festival. You've only been at a festival once before and that was when you were back at your village, from what you could tell it was very busy and everybody was dressed up and having fun- another thing to note is that there was a shit ton of fireworks.


You had settled on a F/c kimono that had some lilies peppered around it. You didn't want to ruin it by cutting holes into the back for your wings so you instead had to find a way to hide them.



Can you like...temporarily get rid of my wings? Or maybe make them smaller?

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