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Chapter 8
"New ally."

(Totally not reusing photos)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Totally not reusing photos)

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"Y/n! There you are, what took you so long??" A male voice called out to you, It was Tanjiro.

You perked up at the sound of his voice, rushing over towards him in a hurry. "Sorry, I was distracted."

"Okay, Y/n- do you know Where inosuke went?"

Tanjiro shrugged. "I don't know. I last saw him out here..."

Zenitsu's eyes lit up from realization before speaking. "Oh I know Y/n-Chan! He already ran off to start the mission!"



Inosuke was powering far ahead of the group, looking like a little dot in front of you all. He clearly was excited for this mission.


You rolled your eyes. "Shut up."

Hey, random god that goes in my brain a lot, you there?

Yes. What do you need?

Oh thank the lord. How much longer until we get there?

Search it up- wait Never mind I forgot this was the Taisho era. Probably like 2 more minutes until you arrive at the town, then another 2 to get to the train station.

Search it up? What? Wait oh my god can you tell the future?!


Sick! Then do you know what will happen during this mission?

Yup. You all die the end.

Hahahaha...your joking, right?




Okay, yeah that's cool. Cool, cool. Yeah....coolio.


You were snapped out of your thoughts by Zenitsu.

"Y/n-Chan! You were zoned out and didn't answer my question!"

You sighed before rolling your eyes. "I would like to return to being zoned out." You grumbled. Pushing Zenitsu to the side roughly.

"Y/n-Chan touched me!"

"Ew! Your making it sound wrong!"

Zenitsu rushed back over towards you. "Do it again Y/n-Chan! Do it again!"

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