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Chapter 21
"Gah damn 😨"


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"Y/n-Chan! Y/n-Chan! Y/n-Chan!"

You grumbled some curses under your breath before looking up to see Zenitsu looking at you eagerly. "Whaddya want?" You asked.

"Nothing, I just like listening to you talk!"

"Uh, thanks?"

Zenitsu's face turned a deep red. "You sound like an Angel! PLEASE MARRY ME Y\N!"

You deadpanned at the boys words. Is he for real? "I already told you yesterday, Zenitsu, I'm not marrying you. Your a fine guy, you are. But I'm not the girl for you." You denied, your face turning a slight hue of pink. "Besides, you still have Nezuko."


You sighed. You had been put on a mission with Zenitsu to fight some demons thats been tormenting some small town in the mountains. It felt refreshing to finally be fighting some demon that isn't part of the twelve kizuki.

Zenitsu suddenly grabbed hold of your hand, you rolled your eyes at this action, you weren't gonna say anything about it though.

After what felt like hours of walking the two of you stumbled upon a small town. Each building decently spread apart from eachother, nearby, livestock was being kept.

You looked up into the sky, realizing it was already dark out. "The demons should be coming out right about now." You mumbled, "this place looks like a ghost town though. Like it's never been touched in years." You thought aloud. Observing the rusty and boarded up windows. You moved your mask to the side of your face to see better.

"I'm scared Y/n-Chan!"

"How long has this town been terrorized for? You'd think the demon slayer core would find out about it sooner." You spoke, ignoring Zenitsu's whining.

"Did you not hear me?! I'm scared!"

You sighed. "Zenitsu, be a good boy and zip it okay?"

He immediately nodded his head. His face bright red. This guy is a total creep.

You rolled your eyes, walking around the empty streets that were being overgrown by several different types of weeds and plants. As you observed the buildings you couldn't help but notice dried up blood staining the wooden walls of a house. That's comforting.

Zenitsu tapped your shoulder. "Hey- y/n?- I- I hear something coming from that house over there." He said, trying his best not to freak out.

You looked over towards the house across the street, you could barely hear it but you heard the sound of growling and a soft cry. "Yep, okay, target found. Let's go."

You sped walked forward, ignoring the fact Zenitsu wasn't moving an inch, you knew he'd catch up to you eventually.

Once you made it to the house you quietly slid open the unlocked door. The growling and crying had ceased. Was I hearing things?

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