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Chapter 31
"Infiltrating the entertainment district"


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You looked around the city frantically. Trying to find any hot women nearby. To no avail, there was none in sight.

"Okay everyone, stay here and try to keep a low profile and not stand out." Tengen ordered to the four of you.

You held back a laugh at his words, just a second after you saw both Zenitsu and Inosuke immediately jump out of the carriage. Tanjiro looked at them worriedly then at you.

You looked Tanjiro dead in the eyes before jumping out also. Leaving the shocked Tanjiro with Tengen.

After a while of running around. Tengen caught up with the four of you.

He grabbed the four of your by your shirts to make sure the four of you wouldn't run away. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Allow me to introduce you to the Entertainment district, a place full of vanity and desire, Flashy, Isn't it?"

"WHAT IS THIS PLACE?! THERES SO MANY PEOPLE!" Inosuke exclaimed, looking dizzy before zooming off.

"HEY!" Tengen called out, to no avail.

He turned around to try and keep track of Zenitsu, eyebrows furrowing when he noticed he wasn't there, and neither were you.

You ran up to Zenitsu, who was looking up at a group of women in awe. He had his face covered up with his hand to hide his embarrassment.

"Aw, don't be shy!" One of the girls called out.

You rolled your eyes angrily. "How can you pull multiple girls but I get none?" You grumbled, before letting out a Yelp of surprise by being swept off your feet by Tengen.

Zenitsu was dragged along the ground while you were hauled over Tengens shoulder.

"Your to young for that." He scolded Zenitsu. "Now where is the boar-headed one?"


Eventually you were all rounded up and now were in some building for the night.

You were sat next to Tengen, batting at the beads dangling from his headband.

"Listen up, once your in a house, try to search for my wives." Tengen ordered, slapping your hand away from his headband.


"THIS IS COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS! MAKING US FIND YOU A BRIDE?" Zenitsu hollered, pointing a finger at Tengen.


Tanjiro approached next to Zenitsu. "Zenitsu! Please!"

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