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Chapter 17
"I hate old men."


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You slowly opened your eyes. Looking around tiredly.

Where am I? Oh right that guy brought me to his house..that sounds wrong out of context, doesn't it Utatori?




Okay, whatever, I don't need a dumb fish-bird-god to talk to.

You were covered in bandages all over your body, you looked in awe at them. "Damn, I wish I knew shit about how to bandage things....no wonder I've had so many infected wounds before." You mumbled. Poking at the bandages.

You eventually grew bored from it and started to gaze around the room. So this is where Urokowhatever lives? Cool I guess. Kind of expected something better though.

You awkwardly blinked around the room, before widening your eyes slightly. "Fuck- didn't that Mu- Mulan? Muzan?- Didnt that Muzan guy say something about killing my friends? Probably shouldn't be leaving them alone right now." You thought aloud.

Sighing dramatically, you stood up. Ignoring the shooting pain going through your body as you reached over for your haori- wait a minute.

I got a wound near my abdomen- does that mean....He undressed me to do my bandages?!

You turned red immediately. Lifting up your shirt and Looking at your stomach to see it neatly bandaged. I- what the fuck?! Did he- he wouldn't right?!

You awkwardly slid on your haori, shuffling your wings around so they'd come out of the back of it before sliding open the door to the room your in.

In the room you had entered sat Urokodaki. Wearing his iconic red mask. He turned his head to you as he noticed your presence.

"Uh- hello! I have some...business to attend to. Thanks for y'know preventing me from dying and what not..bye I guess." You said awkwardly, heading for the door before being interrupted by the man.

"You'll open up your wounds if you leave."

You sighed. "Knew you were gonna say that." You mumbled before turning from the door you were about to open to face him. "If you were to guess...how long would it take for me to be good to go?"

He thought for a second before speaking. "Nearly a week."

You deadpanned. "Great, okay." You mumbled.

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