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Chapter 36
"Bird person vs Beautiful women."


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You climbed off of the roof, almost falling as you landed on the ground and struggled to keep your footing. Nice landing. Me!

You adjusted your mask to the side of your head as you rushed over to Tanjiro. "Are you okay?- any injuries? If your gonna die tell me."

Tanjiro's eyes fixed on something behind you, taking notice of that you slowly turned around to see a woman wearing a revealing outfit. "Holy Aphrodite." You commented out loud. Your face immediately went a pink color when you realized what you just said. "I don't mean that in a weird way- I'm just- I'm just saying it, Y'know?- I'm not weird I swear." You tried your best to not make a fool of yourself.

The girl raised a brow. "I should've known you were also a demon slayer, after I found out your 'sister' was one I thought maybe you weren't in on it, how foolish of me to even think that." She noted. "You don't look like a Hashira, based off how you act and how clumsy you are."

"Well, you don't look like a upper moon but here we are."

Her eyes narrowed at you. "So you are a Hashira?" She asked for confirmation, a smirk growing on her face. "Oh how master will be thrilled when I kill you!"

You shook your head. "Okay- so you see your master wants me alive, so much so he has popped into my dreams and sent that upper moon two fella after me." You advised. Stifling back laughter as you spoke again. "What did Utatori say I have again?- oh yeah, I have Plot armor."

The girls eyes widened. "W-What?" She looked you up and down. "You? Catching Lord Muzan's eye?- what even is plot armor?"

Tanjiro stood up next to you, his sword in his hand as he was in a defensive stance as he ignored the girl. "Y/n, once this is all over I will need you to clarify what you mean by Muzan going into your dreams and upper moon two finding you." He whispered to you, you froze up in response.

Oh shit, I forgot he was here.

"So what I can't kill the Hashira? I'll have just enough fun toying around with the low rank demon slayer." She interrupted you as you were about to speak. Suddenly, obi belts started coming out of her back directed at Tanjiro. To which he quickly sliced away.

The two of them ended up fighting a 1v1, while you handled anything that you thought would injure Tanjiro.

Suddenly, a bunch of obi went into the demon. Catching both you and Tanjiro off guard as you stood there idly confused.

A smirk grew on the demons face as she suddenly hopped onto a roof. "Another Hashira did show up! I was right after all!" She looked into the sky. "Muzan will be so proud!"

You blinked at her. Then at Tanjiro. "Why is she so obsessed with Muzan? He isn't even that hot." You whispered to him. The girl glared at you once she heard your words.

"Oh shut it you ugly worm!" She shouted at you, her hair slowly turned white and green as she spoke. "Neither of you are worth my time. I need to find that Hashira and then I'll deal with the two of you." She started walking away, not knowing what to do you turned to Tanjiro who shared a similar expression to you.

"Hey! Are those swords?"

You and Tanjiro turned around to see a older man walking towards you two. He had a finger pointing at you offensively.

He was about to speak again when you cut him off. "Listen, sir, my guy, you need to get back inside before you die. Okay?"

"Are you threatening me?"

You rolled your eyes. "No, I'm trying to not make you not die a painful death. Now if you continue being a pain in the ass I'l become the cause of said painful death. Shoo shoo, go inside now-"

Suddenly, tons of obi came down. Your eyes widened slightly before deciding to push the man away from a part of the obi aimed straight at him, in the process you earned a large scar across your forearm.

The mans eyes widened from shock as he fell on the ground, he stared at you in complete shock as Tanjiro immediately rushed over towards your side.

"Are you okay y/n?!-"

"I'm fine. Just sort of wish it was him instead of me." You grumbled, shaking some blood off your arm. Glaring at the man who was laying on the ground, before averting your gaze to the buildings around you. "..damn, we should finish this battle up, fast."

Daki started walking away, most likely in the direction of Tengen.

You got ready to go and decapitate him when Tanjiro suddenly rushed at her and sent countless slashed his way.

You watch with wide eyes, sort of not expecting him to start attacking. "Damn."


Wrote the majority of this chapter in my coding class. Be happy you rats.

Anyways, gonna stop posting chapters for a while. Who knows when I'll post next? Maybe in a week? Maybe a month? Maybe a year? No clue. I'm most likely gonna make a shit ton of chapters and once I have enough I'll slowly post all of them. Anyways, toodles!


Word count: 911

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