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Chapter 9
"And this was when I learned I am no where near hashira level."



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What- why shouldn't I?

Just listen to me for once.

Sorry, but right now your just a disembodied voice in my head.

You pulled out your ticket before handing it to the male. You couldn't help but notice how tired he looked, and also reeked of a demon.

Uh. So maybe I should've listened to you.

You watched as he punched the ticket before handing it back to you, which you cautiously took.

Why are you so stubborn all of the time?!

Well, why are you so mysterious?

Shut up!

You decided to shrug off the uneasy feeling and turned to Tanjiro. "Are you excited to fight some demons?" You asked.

Tanjiro opened his mouth to speak before being cut off by a high pitched voice. "Wait- there's demons in the train?! We aren't going to a place with demons?!" Zenitsu shouted.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. "Yes, Zenitsu."

Inosuke glared at Zenitsu, Tanjiro turned to look at you. "I'm excited!- Sort of. I don't know."

"Come on, what happened to your confident attitude?" You teased, playfully nudging him. As soon as you did so, the lights to the train flicked off.

Zenitsu screamed from surprise as he rushed over towards you. Throwing himself into your arms and clinging onto you for dear life.

The lights flicked back on. "Zenitsu! Get off of me!" You yelled, struggling to pry him off.

Rengoku stood up from his spot, turning around to face a demon which you hadn't even realized was there.

Inosuke rushed towards it while laughing. "Inosuke you stupid warthog! There's still some people!" Shark yelled, running over towards the boar-headed boy and throwing him to the ground.


You groaned from annoyance, standing up to get ready to fight the demon. "Alright.." you grumbled, reaching for your sword that was held to your hip, as you were unsheathing your sword you saw its head fall onto the floor. The fuck? You looked up to see Rengoku standing across from where the demon was originally. His iconic smile still on his face.

Shark glanced at you with wide eyes, before he slowly turned his head back to where Rengoku was.

"PLEASE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!" Zenitsu screamed. Before the other two boys joined in with him as if they were some lost puppies.

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