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Chapter 16
"Dream intruder."


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You looked up into the sky. Squinting slightly at the colorful display in the clouds. Ive heard about these before, what is this called? Aurora- Aurora something....The northern lights? Either one I don't know.

You continued to stare at it. You knew this was a dream, Northern lights don't happen in the part of Japan you live in. (Also, you do vividly remember passing out) But it wouldn't hurt to admire its beauty.

It Felt like minutes have passed, you were just staring at the lights intriguingly.


"Most of my dreams are more action packed. Why is nothing happening? If a grenade doesn't get thrown at me in 3! 2! 1?....0?"

You deadpanned at the sky disappointingly. "Got to be kidding me, dream world! This is pretty and all but you know I'm not that patient!" You yelled. Taking a rock and throwing it at the sky. "Give me something interesting!"


"This is so- HOLYFUCKINGCOWSONMARS!" You jumped from surprise. In front of you standing none other than the demon king himself. His plum red eyes digging into yours.

You stared with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

"...hi?" You mumbled out, it's just a after all dream, right?

"Some slayer you are, you hadn't even sensed me before I showed myself to you, even though I wasn't even trying to hide."

"I- Thats not a nice thing to say! I am the best slayer out there." You protested. Pointing a finger at him defensively.

He continued to stare. "I have caught wind of your abilities. The ability to slow time, Strength, And of course the most noticeable thing about you." He said sternly. Pointing at one of your wings, as soon as he did so, the said wing stretched out to its full length without warning. As if a invisible force was pulling at it. Completely catching you off guard

You squinted your eyes before roughly pulling your wing back to yourself. "Something about this is telling me that this isn't just a dream version of you..." You mumbled stupidly. "Ohhhh.....shit man."

He chuckled, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "Finally noticed."

You looked around awkwardly, feeling uneasy under his gaze before speaking. "....y'know, it's very impolite to just intrude into my dream- why are you in my dream anyways?"

His eyes narrowed. You shook slightly. "Like I told you earlier, I have caught wind of your powers and I wish for you to turn into a demon. If your this strong now, becoming a demon will make you even stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if you became Lower moon one in only a week."

"I'm sorry, really am. But I'm sort of fond of my human life y'know? Kind of have a good thing going for me right now." You refused while sweatdropping.

"No, No. this isn't what I want to hear y/n. How about I give you a rather large share of blood? How about that? You'll be as strong as a upper moon."

"Listen man. My goal here is to try and kill you, not become one of your most loyal subjects. But hey, if I ever quit the demon slayer core feel free to turn me into a demon."

He glared at you. "I don't think you understand y/n." He mumbled, walking over towards you and cupping your cheek before continuing. "I don't take no as a answer. I gave you two opportunities that had no consequences but of course, you refuse..I will give you one last chance. Become a demon and be as strong as a uppermoon or......I will force you into becoming a demon with a smaller amount of power along by killing off all of your friends. It would be a shame if Rengoku one day dropped dead without warning."

Hey, Utatori?

Yes...? Wait what the fuck why is he here?!

Can you kick him from my dream world, please?

...fine, I guess.

"Like to see you try to kill any of my friends. You can go away now." You dismissed him, waving your hand goodbye before he was teleported away.

Bet I looked so badass right there.

"Ah, I can finally enjoy my dream in peace."


Muzan snapped his eyes open, taking a second to adjust his eyes to his surroundings.

He glanced around, notcing he was back in the oh so familiar infinity castle. "Maybe, there's more to that girl than I originally thought." He mumbled out. "Not everybody can just remove a person from their dream. Especially somebody with a power like mine."

He thought for a second. "For somebody so laid back and socially awkward she sure does have potential beyond her own understandings."

A grin grew on his face as he thought back upon the girls personality. Finding slight humor in it.



-The author got inspired off another demon slayer fanfiction for this chapter

-Muzan has other plans with you aside from making you work for him.

-idk what to put here 🤷‍♀️



KOSA has not been approved thankfully, something about going against an amendment idk. I dont know my laws or shit like that, I'm a literal minor who rarely goes outside, whaddya expect?

(Woah, just realized this probably the most I've said during these small author notes. Good job me.)


Word count: 896

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