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Chapter 19


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You have a mission with the wind pillar today.


He isn't that bad, y/n.

Hello???? Just the other day I literally stole from somebody and he caught me! We are not on the best of terms.

Okay, but focus on the fact we get to see him again. I think he's very handsome.

Holy fuck....you have a crush on a mortal.

What?- of course not! I just find him aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Oh my god, this is gold. And here I thought I was bad for crushing on Tanjiro and Rengoku.


For a god your really immature! Y'know that?

Says you! Your 'the chosen one' yet your to scared to order your own food at a restaurant!

Bitch you literally CHOSE me to be 'the chosen one' thats your own stupidity right there!

Curse you for being right!

You snickered aloud slightly at Utatori antics. A small smile on your lips as you walked through the town you were in. You found it was much easier to not draw attention when you just didn't let your wings out. You've been using the 'wrap your wings around your body countless times' technique, since you wear a semi-baggy uniform and a haori it's help a lot more. does this technique make moving much more harder? Yes. Does it help stop people from looking at you weird? Yes.

According to Utatori. Sanemi should be around here somewhere. You sighed before putting on the mask Urokodaki gave you, before clipping in the hairpin you stole. You thought it'd be fun to see his reaction to you proudly displaying the hairpin you recently stole.

You stifled a laugh at the thought of it.

You looked around the forest for any sign of the males presence- anybody's presence.

Hey, you sure this is the right place Utatori?


Where the fuck is this guy?

You sighed dramatically, walking around the forest, taking in the scenery. "What demon would live here? It seems as though no humans go through here." You grumbled. Eyeing a huge ass spider web.

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