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Chapter 5
"Love hashira Mitsuri Kanroji and Serpent Hashira Obanai Iguro."



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You stared at the small town confused. You where told to come here for a mission but yet you've haven't encountered a demon yet. Nor have you felt anything off about the locals.

You let out a sigh. Deciding to stop at a restaurant nearby. As you opened the door a wave of delicious smells hit your nose. Overwhelming the rest of your senses.

You hesitantly looked around the place in search of any empty seat, sighing in defeat as you saw how all of them were taken.

"Hey! You over there!"

You turned your head to the person calling to you seeing a girl with pink braided hair with green tips. She was wearing a demon slayer uniform and next to her sat a short male with black hair and bandages covering his mouth, like the girl, he was also wearing a demon slayer uniform.

Oh no. That girl is hot.

You walked over to the two and the girl offered a seat across from her and the male.

"Hello! You look so cute! Don't you think, Obanai?" The girl spoke loudly. Turning to face the male next to her you now know was Obanai.who only glared at you and blinked his eyes.

You stared right back at him.

"You guys are so funny! Im Mitsuri Kanroji, and this is my friend Obanai Iguro. What's your name?" She greeted, sticking out her hand for you to shake, which you did.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm- Im y/n l/n."

"I know."

"But- you just asked me-"

"We've heard a lot about you from Shinobu and Tengen. Right Obanai?"

He continued to glare at you. "Yup." He muttered. His voice muffled slightly from the bandages over his mouth.


Mitsuri's smile widened. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

She placed a hand covered one side of her mouth before whispering to you. "Just between me and you, I think you have what it takes to be a hashira in the next couple years!" I still don't know what a Hashira is.

You faked a smile. "Aw, thank you." You awkwardly laughed.

"So, we were ordered to kill a lower moon. Apparently they have the ability to summon lower ranked demons to help fight for them. Reports also claim that the demon has an ability to grow wings which is why the master ordered us three together. Me and Obanai will handle the majority of the fight and you take over when he flies off." Mitsuri stated matter-of-factly. Obanai nodded along as he continued to glare at you.

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