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Chapter 12



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If you told past you that you would of survived fighting two very strong demons and just a few weeks later babysitting a group of children. Past you would of laughed in your face...

But, here you are. Cooking some dinner for Kiyo,Naho, and Sumi. You might be thinking: 'why can't Aoi and Shinobu handle them?' That's the thing, they are currently helping the boys with their rehabilitation training. You however had a severely broken leg according to Shinobu and won't be able to start rehabilitation training for a good while. Leaving you with the task of having to care for the butterfly girls.

"Girls, your Yakisoba's ready." You called out, in a blink of an eye they all appeared in front of you. "Here you guys go. I'll be back in a second." You stated, handing them all their bowls with chopsticks on them. Their eyes lit up at the sight of the food.

"Thank you miss l/n!"

You chuckled. "It's nothing- and please just call me y/n."

You grabbed your crutches before turning on your heel,making your way outside where the boys had just came back from running. All of them were drenched in sweat- surprisingly however Inosuke was demanding to do it again.

Zenitsu groaned from annoyance, before his eyes laid on you. "Y/n-Chan! Are you finally able to start training now?" He asked whilst running towards you.

You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips. "I still a broken leg bone. Can't do shit without these fucking metal rods.." You chuckled, referring to your crutches you had to use to walk around.

You heard Tanjiro approach next to Zenitsu. "He really got your leg good." Tanjiro mumbled.

"Yeah- speaking of injuries..how's your wound?"

"It's doing fine, thanks for-"


You got startled slightly by Inosukes Loud voice. You froze up slightly before relaxing again.

Zenitsu grumbled some things before turning around.

Tanjiro was the first to speak up. "We're coming!" Followed by a goodbye from both him and Zenitsu as they both approached Inosuke.

You rolled your eyes before sitting down onto the ground.

Hey, Utatori? Can you like, pop in my head again?

It's a absolute pain talking to you y/n. I do not want to start a conversation.

Rude. Do you even have any friends to talk to besides me?

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