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Chapter 26
"Welcome to the squad."
(Basically just a bonus chapter!)


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Sanemi opened up the letter, reading its contents, staring in disbelief. "No way that fucking thief became a Hashira..." he mumbled out. Crumpling up the Letter before throwing it away. "Wait minute?- isn't she the same person Tengen basically kidnapped from that one village he went to?!" He exclaimed at the realization.

He groaned annoyed. Gripping onto his sword before slicing down at the target in front of him. "That explains it- why she became a Hashira. She most likely got trained by Tengen or something!" He chuckled slightly. Before harshly slicing at the target again.


Mitsuri squealed from delight as she read the letter. "Obanai! Obanai! Did you hear?! Y/n is a Hashira now! Isn't that awesome? She'll fit right in!" She giggled, placing the letter in front of where Obanai was sitting.

Obanai read the letter. "Ah. I should've known she would catch the masters attention eventually..." he mumbled. Kaburamaru slithered down obanai's arm, looking at the letter as if it was reading it. Obanai pat the snake on its head before looking back at Mitsuri. "It's gonna be fun to have her around, I guess." He stated. Picking up the letter and handing it back over to the female. Obanai wouldn't admit to it, but he was really looking forward to seeing y/n more.


"Y/n? Where have I heard that name before...."

Muichiro looked up into the clouds, lost in thought. "Didn't that guy with three wives say something about a y/n?" He mumbled. His eyes lighting up slightly from realization. "Isn't she the bird girl? I wonder if she has real wings..."

He went silent for a second, before pointing a finger up at a cloud. "That one looks like a piece of bread."


Giyu let out a 'hum', thinking back upon the last time Y/n and him talked. He liked her company but yet they barely ever wrote to each other. He could see why, she has a ton of friends. Hell, almost all of the Hashira like her. (Mostly romantically.) that's just the effect she has on people. Maybe it's the fact she always says what's on her mind? Maybe because of her lack of self respect? Who knows, whatever is up with her he needs to find out.

He put the letter to the side, before turning around and looking through the letters she had sent to him.The last one being sent around a month ago.


Tengen read the letter, his eyes lighting up. "Hey! Rengoku, Y/n became a Hashira! Isn't that neat?" He called out to the male who was training next to him, who paused immediately and walked over.

He handed him the letter, watching as Rengoku scanned over it. "Huh! I didn't think she would become a Hashira this fast! Didn't you find her only a year or two ago?" He asked, handing the letter back to the taller male.

"Indeed! Isn't that just flashy of her?"

"Very flamboyant!" Rengoku said mockingly.

"Yup! Ah! We should throw a party to welcome her among the Hashira! Whaddya say?" Tengen smiled, looking over towards Rengoku.

"As long as it doesn't end up like last time.."

They both went silent, both of their faces slowly turning red.



-I thought it would be hilarious to end it with that sentence. I headcanon Rengoku and Tengen both got super drunk at a party and when one of them won in a game they started making out. All of the hashiras there were shocked. Both Rengoku and Tengen swore to never speak of it again. (Tengens wives were furious.)

-No gyomei because I don't know how to write him, like I know absolutely nothing about him. The most I would've done for him was for him to cry and I knew that somebody out there would be pissed that I wrote him like that.

-Giyu is a little jealous of how many friends you have.


I thought this was a fun chapter to do! If you were wondering why I didn't include Shinobu it was because she already knew before the letters were sent out.


Word count: 690 😏

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