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Chapter 32
"Selling off into prostitution."


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"Oh wow, these four are quite something..."

The four of you stood in front of Tengen side by side. If you were gonna be honest you did a much better job at doing the makeup then you originally expected. You wore your usual haori but instead wrapped around yourself as if it were a kimono, Same with Zenitsu and Tanjiro. (Inosuke had to get an actual Kimono.)

The male and female sitting in front of you stared at you all. "I guess if I would choose....We'll have the one with the burgundy hair." The female mumbled. The male next to her jaws dropped.

A smile grew on Tengens face. "Alright! Stay safe then, Sumiko!"

You stared at Tanjiro in disbelief as a smile grew on his face. Okay, what? No offense Tanjiro but you look literally so ugly as a female how did you get chosen first when a actual female is right here?! Hell, even Inosuke is a better choice!

You felt Tengens hand pat your back. "Well, Let's get going then."

The three of you made it to a busy street. Around you, multiple people were swarming a area.

"What's going on over-"

"Look! There's people over there!" Inosuke called out, pointing his finger over at the group of people. Tengen averted his attention from Zenitsu to the crowd. Eyebrow raised slightly.

The four of you made your way over towards the crowd. Turns out what everybody was looking at was a attractive women covered in jewelry, around her stood multiple people. You looked confused. "Simps." You whisper-yelled at the people walking alongside her. Not loud enough for anybody to hear.

"Who is that?" Inosuke asked

"Your looking at the top Oiran going to meet their suitor, how's that for flashy?" Tengen said, looking at the woman.

Inosuke hummed in acknowledgment, before blurting out. "If she was in the mountains she'd be dead, look how slow she's walking!" Your eyes widened as you saw a woman towering over the crouched down Inosuke. You held back a scream.

She looked up from him to Tengen, "can I take this one?"

Tengen looked at the lady. "Of course! May I ask what about them caught your attention?"

"Their beauty is like no other!"

Your jawdropped offendedly. WHAT?! HOW COME ME, A LITERAL FEMALE. HAS NOT BEEN CHOSEN YET? You zoned out. Staring at the ground in disbelief. This is so embarrassing! Nobody wants me!

Tengen side-eyed you, pocketing the money the lady gave him. "Look at you." He stifled a laugh. "Thought you didn't want to get sold? Now your acting all disappointed."

You held up your middle finger. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." you grumbled.


"Could I interest you in either one of these fine girls?"

The woman infront of you stared judgingly at the two of you. "Ones definitely much more beautiful than the other..." she mumbled, looking at you and then at Zenitsu. "I guess we will take the yellow haired one."

Your jaw dropped offendedly. Did...did she call me....UGLY?!

Tengen took notice your action, "Ah, May I interest you in taking this one also?" He asked the lady, who was blushing like crazy at the sight of him.

She stumbled on her words as she spoke. "Oh no, I'm sorry b-but  we don't have the money right now to make such big purchases. I'm sure somebody from the Mizubitashi house will take her though. They have much more money than us."

"Ah, don't worry. She is only 300 yen."

"WHAAAAAT?! Such refined beauty for so cheap?! You must be mistaken, sir!" She exclaimed frantically. "She is probably worth more than 150,000 yen!"

He chuckled. "Do you want to buy her or not?"

"Y-yes! I do! Here, take the money!"

Oh wow. Was I not being sold because I look expensive? Holy shit. I AM HOT AFTERALL!



-Your makeup skills are slightly better than Tengens in the anime.

-The only reason I'm posting this instead of keeping it in my drafts is because my FRIEND WONT STOP NAGGING ME TO POST IT (IM LOOKING AT YOU, CHIP.)


I'm stuck in bold for some reason, ignore it. Anywho. I'm having major writers block rn and I won't be able to post as much because of soccer and School. Sorry :(


Word count: 728

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