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Chapter 42
"You can't get rid of me bitch!"

Chapter 42"You can't get rid of me bitch!"

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"So like..why did Utatori choose you again?" Cozby asked. He walking behind you for the main purpose of messing with your wings. You couldn't necessarily stop him because of him being a god or what not.

"Im pretty sure he just spun a wheel and it landed on me." You said sarcastically. Utatori glared at you.

"Actually, I chose you because you were young, and lived near a busy demon area." Utatori corrected.

"...why did me being young change anything?"

"Ooh, is Utatori a pedophile?"

"What?! No! I chose her because it would give her time to train and get use to her abilities!"

You looked over at him. "Damn, so you actually thought this out?" You chuckled slightly.

"Yeah! I did. You guys always paint me out to be some dumb guy. I'm much more than that!" He groaned, his feathers prickling from annoyance as Cozby smirked at him.

"You are a dumb guy though." Cozby said with a teasing smirk. Utatori turned and glared at him.

Habu audibly sighed. "Guys, knock it out. I don't want you guys getting distracted and forgetting about this mission. We need To get Y/n out of here fast without drawing any attention. If another god sees her..who knows what would happen?" She advised. "Now hurry up, I think I see the building."

You glanced at her and then in front of you, in the distance was a large marble building with gold beams holding it up. You looked in awe.

"Ooh, pretty." You hummed. Utatori nodded along.

"One of my friends helped build it." Utatori bragged.

"We all know you don't have friends, Utatori." Cozby laughed. You couldn't help but smirk at his comment as Utatori rolled his eyes and looked away clearly annoyed.

"I can't wait to get home and help Tengen and the others fight Gyutaro and Daki..I hope they're all alive..if they die will you guys revive them?" You asked. Everybody just looked at each other in silence.

You sighed, knowing that all their answers are. "Yeah, okay then..that sucks." You groaned. "They all better be alive. If they're not I'm gonna be super bummed out. And sad. And depressed. And-"

"Oh look! We're here!" Habu interrupted you. Trying to stop you from continuing yapping about what not. "Let's get in and out fast."

You tried to pause to look at the buildings architecture but before you could Utatori grabbed your wrist and dragged you along. Inside of the building looked like it was a museum, different artifacts were in glass containers, such as wands, pots and a blue spider lily- wait what.

"Holy shit! That's the thing Muzans looking for!" You ran over to it with wide eyes, immediately lifting off the glass container concealing it.

Habu rushed over and slammed it down before you were able to grab it. Glaring at you. "Don't touch that." She ordered.

You frowned. "Why? You guys probably don't even need it.."

"Just- let's go." She started walking away, Utatori following after them.

You glanced at them before quickly taking off the glass container and snatching the blue spider lily and pocketing it.

"Your lucky I'm not a snitch." Cozby whispered in your ear, before following The other two further into the building

Your eyes widened. You had completely forgot that Cozby had even existed. You sweatdropped as you followed behind him nervously.

The group eventually made it to a empty circular room with a stand in the middle with a yellow star shaped crystal in the center of it.

"Okay..so I think what we got to do is me, Habu and Cozby all touch the stone at once and use one of our abilities, doesn't matter which one, and if it works it should turn the nearest dead human alive again. Which would be Y/n." Utatori said, "atleast that's what I think."

"Worth a Shot!" Cozby ran over to the stone and picking it up.

"Be careful with that thing! Don't break it!" Utatori exclaimed.

Cozby frowned. "What do you take me for Utatori? An idiot? I'm not gonna break it." He dropped the stone as soon as he finished speaking. As the stone fell to the ground he reached out to it, once realizing he couldn't reach it in time he used some sort of telekinesis, getting it right before it could hit the floor.

"Hah, that was a close one-"

Before he could finish his sentence it all went black, your eyes fluttered open to see flames all around you.

You slowly sat up from where you were laying, you were surrounded by rubble and debris, you sat in silence before a mischievous grin appeared on your face.



"I have no clue what just happened but I'm alive!"


Taisho secrets

-the main reason you got teleported was because of Cozbys telekinesis activating the stone

-The taisho secrets are back! Wowowowow

-Cozby really liked you when he first saw you (as a friend, not anything else)


*emerges from hole*

Im back, not for long bc I'm prob gonna go back on hiatus after I post this, but y'know.

Sorry I was gone so long, I've been writing my own book and I've been extremely focused and after I got a few notifications I forgot that I had a wattpad book..


anyways, I'm gonna hop right back into hiatus after posting this. So uh, bye guys

*swan dives back into hole never to be seen again*

Word count: 932

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