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Chapter 22
"The great outdoors."


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You flopped onto your bed tiredly. Shinobu had decided to let you stay in the butterfly mansion since you are basically homeless, but on one condition- help with the patients. If you didn't know by now, you suck at medicine and everything of that topic. So far today, you have accidentally gave a patient the wrong medicine, Bandaged somebody's wound so tight that it reopened, spilled several cups of medicine on yourself and drank the last remaining medicines out of curiosity on what it would taste like. You should be lucky you took up demon slaying instead of getting a medical degree.

"Y-Y/n? It's only the afternoon." Naho spoke up from the side of your bed. The two other butterfly girls surrounding her. "You can't be tired already! Are you sick?"

"I'm fine. Just had a rough day today."

"...you only have helped two patients, Y/n." Sumi mumbled out. A worried look on her face.

You squinted your eyes slightly, thinking back upon today. "Oh yeah, your right." You immediately sat up from your bed, wobbling slightly because of the weight of your wings. "What do y'all Wanna do today?"

Kiyo's eyes lit up. "Can we try and catch lizards today?"

"Kiyo! That's not very ladylike." Naho grumbled. Crossing her arms angrily as Kiyos smile dropped.

"Don't be so mean Naho! Yesterday we did what you wanted! Let's just catch lizards and tomorrow we can do whatever you want to do." Sumi spoke up, placing her hands on her hips.

Naho mumbled a 'okay' as Kiyos smile returned.

"Well? Let's go to the garden everyone!" You declared, heading towards the door.


"I'm naming this one...Lady beatrice!" Naho said, holding up the green lizard proudly. You giggled slightly.

"Naho, that's a boy lizard." You chuckled.

"Did I stutter?"

Your jaw dropped at Naho's words. Damn, girl.

Sumi and Kiyo ran over towards the two of you, each of them proudly displaying a lizard in their hands, both having a large smile on their faces.

You gave them both a smile. "You caught a big one, Kiyo! Good job!" You praised the girl, patting her on the head. Suddenly, you heard a voice speak up behind you.

"Are you all catching lizards?"

You immediately recognized the voice to be Tanjiro's. You smiled at the sound of it. "We sure are!" You turned around to face Tanjiro, a gentle smile on his face.

"My siblings use to catch lizards all the time in the spring." He shared, looking at the lizards the girls had caught. "...but I always sucked at it." He admitted, looking disappointed in himself.

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