+- Prologue -+

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"Y/n. don't go to far away from the house, alright?"

"Yes mom, you've told me that multiple times!"

You rolled your eyes, I can care for myself! Why can't mom understand that? You walked across the dirt path leading into the forest. It's trees blocking out most rays of sun and instead filling the forest with dark mysterious shadows. The only thing you could hear was the sound of slight dripping of water cascading off of the tall trees.

As you listened to the water dripping you started to bop your head to the beat of it, creating a song to it in your head. There wasn't that much you could do to keep yourself entertained, you usually found yourself drawing little smiley face in the ground and mess with wild animals you came across.

You paused as the path split into two, one going right the other going left- The right one was more worn out from its multiple years of usage with a sign pointing over there saying "Lake Tori", while on the left it was overrun with weeds and bushes, The sign pointing towards it said something along the lines of "Mt Shiokarai", it's writing was crossed out with black writing saying "DO NOT TRESPASS". You have heard multiple things about that mountain, you're friends always talked about how demons lurked there. Of course, everybody thought that was a joke or some myth. That was until a demon slayer came through your town in search of the mountain. Saying that they needed to kill the demon there, from that day forward you have been extra paranoid at night and especially at that mountain.

You've been going down this trail for a while and yet you've always found yourself wanting to go see that mountain. Your mind tells you to, since you've never ventured that way before and you've always loved exploring. But your gut tells you that it's dangerous Cant you'll be some demons food- Even while it's day the trees are constantly blocking the sun making it a perfect place for demons to hide.

Hesitantly, you walked over towards the trail leading to the mountain.


Yeah never mind.

You instantly spun yourself around and walked towards the lake. Shaking off the need to explore.

You walked down the familiar trail you've grown use to, going past multiple squirrels and rabbits. (You tried to catch all of them, but failed miserably and got bit every other time.) Until you were met with a large lake stretching across the forest, on the other side of the large lake, it was barely visible but you could see a small village there. People never seemed to talk about the village or the people there, so you decided to just not ask about it.

The sun shined on the water, which blinded you since you've been walking through a dark forest for the past 10 or so minutes. Nonetheless, you welcomed the light.

You rushed over towards the water to try and see any fish like always. You eagerly peeked over the water to look in in hopes of seeing a fish.

A pair of green eyes met your e/c eyes. Causing you to jump backwards some. "W-what the.." you mumbled in disbelief.

"Greetings y/n l/n." A disembodied voice called out. Causing you to scream from shock. "Oh my gosh it can talk!" You shouted. "I have come with good news, you have been chosen to save this world from its ever coming death."


"The demon king, Muzan Kibutsuji has been terrorizing this world for years and us gods have decided to put a end to his reign of terror."


You stared at the pair of eyes. Is a fish talking to me?!

"We have chosen you to kill Muzan, to help you we have decided to gift you with enhanced strength and senses, along with the power of your choice! Choose wisely."

"Sick! I get a power!" You spoke, you thought for a moment.

I should totally ask to have being pretty as a power. Kill people with how hot I am! But that wouldn't really work for a demon would it? Okay scratch that then- wait a minute isn't this a fish talking to me? Am I dreaming? Speaking of dreaming I had a dream last night I was cooking food for my parents and my friends back at the town..oh yeah I forgot I'm supposed to be choosing a power! Oh yeah I forgot I was gonna ask if I was daydreaming.

You opened your mouth to speak, before being cut off by the voice. "No, you aren't dreaming. Just choose a power."

Okay that's enough evidence for me, back to my brainstorming..why is it called brainstorming? Does a storm happen in my brain when i think? That must be why I get headaches so much, how about the power of shapeshifting? Hmm.....

You looked up from the eyes, seeing a brown bird pass by, flying gently across the lake and heading towards the village on the The other side. "I want bird wings!" You declared.

"...you literally could have any other power..you could literally have the ability to snap your fingers and have people die. And you chose..to have wings?"

"Shut up! Your just a voice in my head you can't judge me!"

In return the voice sighed. "Okay. Fine. What kind of bird wings would you like?"

You smiled, thinking of the amount of birds and what you could be. Dammit my brain is storming again! Stupid headaches!

As you thought you remembered the time your mother took you around the forest to bird watch, you remember seeing all kinds of birds, Owls, crows, wren..but the ones that stuck out the most to you were cardinals and blue jays. You leaned towards the cardinal. Before thinking to yourself: if I was in a crappy book and had red wings I feel like the people reading would call me a dupe of a different character that also has red bird wings... So, why not a blue jay?

"I want blue jay! I mean- I want to be a blue jay!" You ordered.

As soon as you spoke you felt your back grow heavy. You turned around to see a pair of blue wings twice your size. "I..I thought you were joking and you were some demon just trying to trick me." You admitted, staring dumbfounded at your wings. "And yet you decided to communicate with me and not run away? Maybe i should've chosen somebody else.."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm one of a kind, you random voice in my head that so happens to have magic powers and gave me wings and strength!- whats your name anyways?" You closed your eyes as you spoke, preparing to be met with the gods voice, nothing.

"Weird voice? Hello?" You called out, opening your eyes and staring into the water. Nothing.

How dare he.

You stood up to go back to the town. Pausing when you heard the familiar voice speak to you.

"We will meet again, y/n. When you won't expect it."


Taisho secrets

-during these Taisho secrets, it's the god who gave y/n powers that share these!

-Y/n will forever think that when she gets headaches it's an actual storm in her brain.

-Y/n regrets having wings after like a year of having them sense the townsfolk think she was weird for having them.

-The author really wanted y/n to have red wings but remembered a certain winged anime character that also so happens fights evil..so decided against it.


(Will be edited soon.)
Word count: 1289

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