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Chapter 35
"I don't even know what to title these at this point."


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Shit! Shit!

You jumped over different roofs, eventually falling face first into one and laying down defeated on it. "..I'm here.." you grumbled. "Sorry I was late."

Tanjiro, Inosuke and Tengen who were all sitting on the roof turned their heads to you in unison. Tengen was the first to speak up. "What happened to the yellow haired one? I lost contact with him."

You sat up. "Oh? Zenitsu? Yeah he's fine. He's like dead but not like dead-dead. Like almost gonna be dead-dead but he's alive. He kinda was just kidnapped to be turned dead-dead-dead-dead-dead."

Tanjiro's eyes widened along with Tengens. Inosuke just blankly stared at you with barely any emotion on his face.

"Zenitsu's dying?-"

"-how? What happened?" Tengen said curiously. interrupting Tanjiro.

"Oh. So like I went to go walk around at like 1AM and I heard some weird noises coming from somebody's room- that sounded wrong. Uhm let me rephrase that... I heard some muffled talking coming from somebody's room. And BAM! Silence and evil laughter everywhere! I bust open the door and beat up the demon! But I was to late...I couldn't save Zenitsu in time before he became pre-dead!" You said dramatically. "Most of that was true, I'll let you guys figure out which part was a lie."

The three in front of you all deadpanned, even Inosuke.

"..Y/n, just tell us what actually happened." Tanjiro mumbled tiredly.

You sighed. "...fine..So basically I heard talking in a room and it stopped and I went back to sleep."

"how does that prove that Zenitsu's dead?" Tengen asked, a dumbfounded look on his face.

You stared at them. "....Trust me on this, bro."

Tengen sighed, standing up from where he was sitting. "Welp. On top of a funeral we have to plan we need to book y/n a psychiatrist session.." he grumbled.

"WHATS A PSYCHAPAPAISNAJSYRIST?" Inosuke asked. Before he could get a response Tengen disappeared. You sighed.

"I'll never understand how he teleports."

Tanjiro chuckled. "He's a fast runner, isn't he?"

You blinked. "Wait..he's running and not teleporting?"

Tanjiro chuckled some more because stopping once realizing. "Did you believe that he's actually been teleporting?-"

You slowly turned around and started running away. Leaving the duo.


You watched the sunset. Sighing dramatically as you rested your head on the desk in front of it. Suddenly, you heard a knock at your door. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing one of the girls who you've seen around. "Y/n. You've been hired by somebody to- Y'know."

You slowly turned your head to her. Okay me, this is fine- it depends what day it is so you can have time to find the demon before then. Yeah. "When?"



oh, shit.

You stared at her, she stared right back.

After a few seconds of staring, you slowly stood up from your chair calmly before taking a big breath of air. "yeah, Fuck no. MICE!"

Suddenly muscular mice crawled out of the floorboards with a sword and fox mask in hand, the girl watched with wide eyes. Having no clue how to process this.

You took the sword and mask. "....No witnesses! Mice! Attack!" You pointed your finger at the girl dramatically. The mice simply stared at you.

You held the position for a minute or two before side-eyeing the mice. "Guys..come on, we practiced this.." you mumbled to them. After a couple more seconds the mice charged at the girls shins. A high pitched scream interrupted from the girl as she started to run away with the mice following her.

"Damn, being cool is so hard." You sighed, before jumping as you heard a crashing sound, you turned to look out the window, that's when you saw Tanjiro laying in a pile of rubble in a wall.  You immediately opened the window. "Kind of rude that you started without me but I'm coming!"



-you've taught the mice multiple tricks, if this was a isekai'd reader you'd most likely have taught the mice how to do the Macarena and wap.

-Tengen is dumbfounded by you at almost every conversation the two of you have.


Wow. Start of the battle! 🤭🤭 sorry for um...ditching this book for a while, writers block is so stinky. Anywho. I still need y'all to tell me your ideas on who the love interest should be. It can be literally anyone.


Word count: 758

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