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Chapter 7
"Strange encounters...VERY strange encounters."
(Short chapter sorry :( )

"(Short chapter sorry :( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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If you're gonna be honest, your battle with that demon didn't really harm you physically. Mentally though? Yes. Utatori apologized profusely for letting you and sominoka go through that.

You were now going back to the butterfly mansion, since you have no other place to stay. Sominoka was going with you since she sprained her ankle and needed to fix it or whatever.

"So...when we were fighting that demon it said something about a secret. What's that about?" Sominoka spoke up beside you.

You stopped In your tracks. Nobody has ever asked me about this prophecy before...what do I say?!

"It's...personal?" You responded with uncertainty. Before continuing forward

"The way you said that says otherwise."

"That's just you. Let's hurry up."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, nice to know theres a chance I'm walking with a murderer- wait, are you secretly a demon who is able to walk in the sun? That explains why you have wings!"

You scoffed. Elbowing her in the stomach to push her away. "Demons can't conquer the sun, it's impossible." You mumbled. She let out a whimper sound.

"Heheh. You sound like a bottom." You teased, a smug grin on your face.

"I am not a fucking bottom!"


You knocked on the door to the mansion. Not even a split second after the door was slammed open.

"Ah! Y/n, your back! How'd it go?"

Shinobu was standing at the door with her signature smile, which you returned back to her. "It was- fine..." you stared at the ground for a second before snapping your head back up to her. "Anywho, Shinobu, This is Sominoka. Sominoka, this is shinobu!" You introduced the two of them.

"It's wonderful to meet you! I'm guessing your from the states?"

"Until I was 7, yes."

Shinobu welcomed the two of you in, you had noticed how Tanjiro had on his Haori which was new to you since he usually just stayed in his usual outfit shinobu provided for him.

The butterfly girls brought sominoka to a separate room, leaving you and him alone.

"So, Tanjiro."

He jumped at the sound of your voice. "W-what?! Y/n when did you get here?"

"Just now, what are you wearing? Are you going on a mission?"

"Actually yes, in a hour or so me, Inosuke and Zenitsu are leaving on a mission with the flame Hashira, heard of him?"

"Have I? Tengen talks about him non-stop. It gets annoying honestly."

Tanjiro chuckled before speaking again. "I'm sure nobody would mind if you came along. Its probably just a few low rank demons, No big deal." He offered

Your eyes widened. "Your telling me I get a break from killing lower moons all the time?! Fuck yeah!" You shouted. Pumping your fist in the air as you spoke.

"Alright! We are leaving in a few minutes, I'll tell the others your coming along."



-I've been holding back on this...but it's official. Y/n makes cooing noises when surprised or happy.

-I rewrote this chapter several times. One of those times being over 3000 words until I decided I didn't like where it was going.


Short chapter.


Word count: 545

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