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Chapter 40

"On the road again

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"On the road again.." Utatori sang. You side-eyed him as you walked next to him, infront of the two of you was Habu. Who was leading the way.

After Utatori made it to a different part of whatever god awful song he's been singing for the past hour you interrupted him. "Okay, enough of that...I have a few questions..I've been here for like what..a couple hours? Wouldn't the fight be over by now? How do we know that I'm not currently being buried or something?"

Habu was the one to answer your question, "time is different here..you've been here for three hours while on earth it's only been like thirty minutes-"

"Wrong again! It's actually been 43 minutes exact. Gosh, do you ever get things right, Habu?" A voice chimed in, the voice sounded glitched out, as if he was in some old retro video game that barely worked anymore. Utatori groaned as Habu had a look of disappointment on her face.

"Huh? What?-" you looked around, totally confused.

"Here we go.." Utatori mumbled. You looked at him curiously. "What's going on? Who's voice does that belong to?" You asked.

Suddenly, a tall male appeared in front of you, he looked like a regular person- if you exclude the fact parts of his body was glitching out into binary code- and his eyes looked like the "technical difficulties" image. He was squishing your cheeks as if you were some dog. "Well! How rude of you to not tell this adorable bird-human-thing about me!- especially when passing by my turf." He gritted his teeth and looked up at Utatori and Habu.

"What?- Turf?- do gangs exist here?- who are you?" You asked. Trying your best to take his hands off of you, failing.

"Gangs?! Of course not, I'm disgusted that you would even dare to accuse me of such a thing! Is it that bad for somebody to just want to protect whats theirs?" He said with a smug voice, releasing you from his grip.  you wanted to punch him right then and there. "Speaking of which..where are y'all heading off to with this thing?" He asked curiously, patting your head as you glared at him angrily from the fact he referred to as a "thing."

"Scuse you?" You grumbled.

"It's none of your business. Cozby." Utatori said through gritted teeth.

Cozby?- oh! This was the person they were talking about!

"Why did I even ask you? I already know anyways.." he turned to you, a unsettling grin on his face. "Your gonna revive this one, aren't you? It's obvious. Seeing as though they still smell like earth and haven't-"

"Cozby." Habu growled. "Yes, We're gonna revive her. Now go away. We're just passing through."

"Mmm...I don't think the boss man would like you stealing the crystal of stars..you do know there's only a few uses left on that thing, correct? And even then you don't know how to use it.."

"We don't care. We can find out how it works. We're gonna use it anyways. The fate of a world can change if she doesn't get revived." Utatori chimed in. Glaring at him

"Since when did you care about worlds? This is so out of character. Utatori." He smirked

"Shut your fucking trap." Utatori crossed his arms.

"Language." Habu chimed in, "Cozby, listen. I know you need help with your experiments and stuff and if I'm being quite honest, i doubt we'll find out how to use that crystal. So, let's make a deal. You help us revive her and I'll help you with your studies and what not."

"Habu!- don't make a deal with- with him out of all people!" Utatori growled.

You spoke up from next to Cozby. "Agreed! I don't like how he smiles so much." You grumbled, the feathers on your wings ruffling from annoyance. "Normally I'm okay with that- but his smile wants me to fucking punt his dumb mule looking face all the way to mother fucking jupiter and feed him to the fucking aliens before!-" your voice gradually got louder before habu put her hand over your mouth.

"Ignore them." She said with a fake smile. Cozby nodded along.

"I love your friends enthusiasm!" Cozby said with the smirk that you have started to hate since 3 minutes ago when you first saw him. "That deal sounds..fair enough, I've been working on some experiments recently on a human- Y'know my last experiment when they exploded and I thought they died? Well. Good news! They're still alive and conscious. The down side is they are in excruciating pain and their body parts are all over my testing room..I'm Hoping that I can make a new potion to fix them. Since finding good humans now days are such a pain.." he sighed dramatically. his voice becoming more glitched and distorted. "Oh! Your bird-friend-thing would probably be a good replacement, actually!"

You silently took a step away. "Are you serious? No."

"Oh come on! There's only a few needles, capsules and a couple explosions, it's easy! Besides, you demon slayers are use to this stuff right? It should be easy!"

"No thanks. I have better things to do then being some lab rat to some weirdo like you."

"What's up with you gods and testing stuff anyways?" You asked. Utatori sighed. "The gods with the least important jobs have to do the dirty work of more powerful gods. It just so happens me and that dip-shit- I mean.." he froze up and looked at Habu before continuing. (It was clear that even Utatori was to scared to swear in front of her.) "-Me and Cozby. work under the same god."

You nodded, trying your best to understand before turning to look at Habu. "What god do you work for?"

"Gods that associate with the process of life and death work for themselves. We have better things to do."


Utatori glared at Cozby. "Let's just go.."


No taisho secrets bc I'm writing this on my phone and idk how to bold stuff (I'm also just lazy. So.)

I'm planning on writing a Christmas special soon! BTW TY FOR 5K READS?!! I swear it was just last week I was screaming about getting 1k reads. Ty all sm ily!

I'll try my best to get out the Christmas special soon, I'm going to Pennsylvania for Christmas and My parents will beat me if I stay in the guest bedroom all day lol..

Anyways, Ty all again!!

Word count! 1102

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