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Chapter 18


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Y/n shoveled the food into her mouth in the blink of an eye, pausing mid bite from the sound of a voice.

"Y/n. Tomorrow you can leave."

Your eyes lit up at his Urokodaki's words. "Osh my gwash! relly?!" You said happily through a mouthful of Tempura. A wide grin on your face before swallowing down your food.

He nodded his head. "Yes. You made a very fast recovery."

"HAH! Turns out I don't need recovery breathing after all. I just have wicked cool genetics." You boasted, before looking down sadly at your plate, all of the food gone.

Urokodaki picked up your plate before walking away.

You watched his movements, eventually deciding to speak. "Do you want me to help with the dishes?"


"Ya sure?"

"Go to your room, you need energy for your long journey tomorrow."

You huffed dramatically. "Fine I guess. You can do the dishes yourself!" You whined, Groggily standing up from where you were sitting and walking towards your room, sliding open the door and closing it.

You immediately threw yourself onto the futon, falling asleep instantly.



-Inosuke is known to not blink for several minutes when he's thinking to intently. Once, he was asked how old he was and he froze up and didn't blink for a good 30 minutes. What was his answer to the question? According to him, he's 51.

-Everybody aside from Zenitsu knows where y/n is. Which means Zenitsu has been frantically wondering where you have been for the past few weeks.


Short chapter, use to be way longer but I cut it down by a LOT


Word count: 298

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