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Chapter 3
"Time for final selection!"

Chapter 3"Time for final selection!"

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You sat on the roof of the butterfly mansion. Tanjiro to the side of you. It was tomorrow when the final selection was gonna take place.

You and Tanjiro watched as the sun rised above the trees. It was quiet, but yet you welcomed it.

"So. I heard some guy named Tengen Uzui was gonna come to visit you, Y/n." Tanjiro spoke alas, breaking the silence. You perked your head up slightly at the sound of his voice.

"You mean the guy who basically forced me to train to become a demon slayer? How fun." You grumbled sarcastically. Thinking back upon the memory of him dragging you into a mountain, almost getting you murdered, And just right after pressuring you into becoming a demon slayer. Fun times.

Tanjiro giggled slightly. "I'm pretty sure I met him before. He's that tall Hashira, right?"

"Tall would be an understatement. He is literally a fucking giant!"

"Then I'm guessing I was correct."

You smiled softly. Turning to face Tanjiro. "You never really told me how you ended up here in the butterfly mansion."

Tanjiro turned to face you also. Thinking for a second before responding to your question. "I ran into a lower moon in a mountain during a mission. Thats basically it. Sort of similar to your story actually."

I still don't know what a lower moon is.

"How ironic, both of us ended up here after fighting a lower moon on a mountain."

You turned away from his gaze, taking in the scenery. I really need to ask him what a lower moon and what a Hashira is. But that seems pretty embarrassing not knowing what it is for a whole year but yet not asking during all that time.

You felt a tap on your shoulder. Causing you to spin yourself around and come face to face with red eyes. "TENGEN WHAT THE FUCK YOU SCARED ME!" You yelped. Scooting backwards some. Instinctively, Tanjiro snapped his neck over to look at the man. Taking in his features.

Tengens iconic smile was on his face as he spoke. "My apologizes Bird lady." He teased.

You reached out your hand to slap him across the face when he caught your wrist, shoving it away from him. "Y'know I was kind of hoping you would look more flamboyant by the time I arrived. But here you are looking like a normal person."

You deadpanned at him. Says I look like a normal person when I literally have wings? "Why are you even here?"

"Obviously I'm here to train with you. And teach you the ways of flashiness!" He declared, cringily posing at his own sentence. Tanjiro seemed to be confused by his presence.

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