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Chapter 27
"The party."


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You wiped the sweat off your forehead before sitting down on top of a rock. God, training is so hard sometimes. You looked up at the sunset. I should probably head inside. Shinobu will be pissed if I stay out to long, since I last time I came back injured and almost dead.

As soon as you were about to stand up, somebody picked you up and hauled you over their shoulder- noticing how high up you were you immediately noticed it was Tengen.

"Tengen?! What the fuck?!" You exclaimed.

"I'm throwing you a little party, Y/n! In celebration of you becoming a hashira and what not!" He said before taking off running.

"...did you really have to kidnap me?"

"Knowing you, yes."

You rolled your eyes, not knowing what he meant by that. "Who else is going to be going to this 'party'?" You asked.

"All of the Hashira!- Aside from gyomei." He said, taking his free hand and patting you on your head.

You nodded your head. "Wait- how long have you been watching me before kidnapping me?"

He stayed silent.

"Your a creep, Y'know that?"

"I am not a creep!" He shouted, flicking you on the forehead.


Eventually, the two of you made it to Tengens house, your jaw dropped as you saw how big it was. Holy shit- how much money does this guy make?! Wait a minute, won't this mean I will be rich enough to afford a house like this eventually also?! FUCK YEAH! NO MORE HELPING PATIENTS!

"Can you put me down now?"

He gently placed you on the ground before opening the door, sounds of talking overwhelming the rest of your senses. You were suddenly brought into a hug by Mitsuri, completely catching you off guard.

"Y/n! How've you been?! It's been ages since we last spoke! One second your just a Mizunoto the next your a Hashira! Time flies so fast! I'll introduce you to some people!" Mitsuri exclaimed, releasing you from the hug before dragging you to a young boy with black hair who was wearing baggy clothing. He- he looks a little bit young to be here.

"Y/n, this is muichiro, Muichiro, this is Y/n!"

Muichiro looked you up and down, his eyes eventually landing on your wings. "Wings, are they real?" He asked, raising a finger and pointing at them.


He immediately started to play with them. "Do you ever loose feathers?"

"A lot actually."

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