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Adam and I had been married for fourteen years when I started noticing something was off. 

We met on campus at NYU when I was a freshman. I was eighteen and ready to start a new chapter of my life, studying creative writing in NYU. I had always wanted to be an author or a journalist, so when I was accepted at NYU it was like a dream come true. Being a quiet and studious girl, I was excited for the creative writing programme, but also nervous about being out on my own without my family and friends.

During one of my first weeks in NYU I was reading a book in Washington Square Park. Sitting by the fountain, nose deeply buried in a course book, I didn't notice someone grabbing my bag and running off with it. Not until I heard a loud crash and someone shouting. Looking up I saw a tall, broad-shouldered, blonde guy holding my bag high up in the air, while pinning a scruffy-looking guy to the ground. 

"Get off me!" he screamed at the tall guy, who looked absolutely calm and in charge. 

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen", he replied with a smirk. A crowd started forming around the scene. Someone ran off to find a police officer while others clapped and cheered the hero on. I awkwardly joined the crowd. 

Two police officers arrived and took over. The tall bag-saver got to his feet and turned to hand me my bag. He was a lot taller than me. His hair was blonde and slightly long. When he turned to look at me his hair fell in his eyes, but he blew it away. His eyes were dark and kind and his smile was wide with big, white teeth.  

"I believe this belongs to you", he said while handing me my bag. I stood foolishly fondling its strap unable to come up with the right words. 

"Thank you", I stuttered and immediately wished I had more knowledge of how to be a damsel in distress rather than a student with no clue. 

"My pleasure", he said with a smile. He was a good looking man. I wasn't used to getting much attention from guys. Not because I wasn't attractive, but because I was so shy and quiet most of the time. I was used to having loud friends, who accepted me as the introvert I was. Boys would talk to me and I had had a few flings during high school, but I was too shy to initiate anything serious.

To my surprise I heard myself say: "Can I buy you a drink?"

"That would be great", he replied and went on: "My name is Adam".

 "Ellie", I said while holding out my hand. 

He looked at my hand for a short while before taking it in his. 

That was the beginning of Adam and me. He was studying orthodontics and was a couple of years my senior. We dated throughout college and by the time he graduated and started his practice we were engaged and ready to start a family together. 

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