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We were lying in bed, both panting. "Your sexual appetite is out of this world El", Henry said trying to catch his breath, after I once again had made him come. I was insatiable, for some reason. It had been a while since we had had sex, but not that long. Apparently all the pregnancy hormones were making me feel extra horny and I just wanted him all the time. The closeness to him made me feel safe and loved. 

"I don't really know what to do with myself", I giggled. "I might need a cold shower". He laughed and held me close. 

"I don't think you need to do anything except me", he smirked, proud of his own pun. 

"Gemma's coming in a couple of days, I should really have it out of my system by then." I said, kissing his chest. 

"Or... you could just stop being so bloody loud", he laughed, tickling me and forcing me down on the bed, so he hovered over me. "Nah, I like that you're loud. I know I'm doing something right when you make those sounds. It's fucking hot". 

"You're doing a lot of things right, mister", I said pulling him down, so I could kiss him. "For example you are an exceptional kisser", I said in between kisses. "And you're very, very strong", I squeezed his arms. 

"Mm-hmm, what else?" He said with a cheeky smile. 

"You're hotter than any guy I have ever seen in my entire life", I ran my hand down his abs. "You're so talented, it blows my mind. You have the biggest and kindest heart. You're loyal and supportive."

He blushed and put his hand over his eyes. "No more! I can't take it", he wailed with a laugh. I kissed him and rolled out of bed to have a shower.


Gemma arrived a few days later and it was a joy to have her around. Henry was so happy to have her with us, it was clear that he truly adored his sister. And she obviously felt the same about him, constantly praising his work, his home and telling him how proud of him she was. 

Gayle, Ana and Sarah would be coming soon too and then we'd be looking for bridesmaids' dresses. It was about time too, because we were only three weeks away from the wedding. I had run into a bit of an issue, I was around 16 weeks pregnant now and it was starting to show. I was having a harder time hiding it. 

I was standing in front of the mirror, brushing my hair after a shower, when Henry came into the bathroom and exclaimed: "Oh... There's the bump". He smiled all over his face, his eyes sparkling. I turned with my side to the mirror, and he was right. There was definitely a bump now. He put his hand on it and looked into my eyes. "You'll be struggling to hide that. Maybe we should tell Gemma? She spots things like that so easily. We can ask her not to say anything to mum about it?" He was clearly excited and really wanted to tell his sister. I couldn't withhold him that joy. I nodded. 

"Can I just bring her in?" He asked, gesturing towards my lack of clothing. I was in my bra and panties. 

"Sure. There's nothing here she hasn't seen", I smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and went out to fetch Gemma. I heard them laughing and talking. 

"What is it? What do you want to show me?" Gemma asked him as she entered the bedroom. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and stayed in the door way. Henry pointed towards me: "That", he said. Gemma looked at me, giggling at first, not really sure what she was looking at except for her soon to be sister-in-law in her underwear. I turned slightly, and put my hand on my stomach. 

Gemma's hands flew to her face as she realised what was going on. "No?!" She exclaimed through tears. "Really?" She started sobbing, falling into Henry's arms, hugging him. "You're having a baby?" She almost wailed the word "baby". Henry nodded and laughed, hugging her and opening his arms to me as well. 

Gemma threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I can't believe it", she said, tears streaming down her face. "Can I?" She gestured towards my stomach. I nodded and let her put her hand on the bump. "Who knows?" She asked. 

"Well, Gayle, Jeff and Glenne know about it. We've not been able to keep it from them. And then you. But don't tell mum, okay?" Henry was adamant. "We want to surprise people at the wedding, but my little missus-to-be is beginning to show", he pulled me close and kissed me. I smiled at him. 

"I won't say a word", Gemma promised and cheered happily with Henry, as I got dressed. 


Gayle, Ana and Sarah arrived and I was beyond happy. I needed my best friends around me right now and it was killing me to hide my pregnancy from Ana and Sarah. Gayle, Gemma and Glenne already knew, so it seemed silly not to let Ana and Sarah in on our secret. Henry agreed that it would be best if we told them, obviously also because of my bump. I was quite petite, so it wouldn't be easy for me to hide it from them. Especially not at night, when it seemed to get even bigger. 

And so when my best friends arrived, I opened the door wearing a pair of jeans and a skin tight bodystocking - an outfit you couldn't hide anything in. And sure enough, they spotted it right away and the whole wailing session started over. They were completely floored and I had to explain to them how we had found out and everything that we'd been going through. 

"That guy... he truly is magic", Ana said, making us all laugh. But she wasn't lying, I wholeheartedly agreed that he was magic. All the things he had brought out in me, I didn't realise were there. Life with him would never be boring.

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