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Henry and I left for England a couple of days later. We were flying first class on British Airways from LAX. I found myself back at the airport, remembering Gayle's plea for me to hold on to Henry. So I held his hand a little tighter, even if Gayle's comment was figuratively spoken. Henry squeezed my hand and smiled at me, probably thinking I was worried about flying. 

I was worried, but not about flying. In a day's time I would meet his mother and his sister, Gemma. The two people who probably meant the most to him in the entire world. Everyone around us said not to worry, there was no doubt that they would love me, but my imposter syndrome was lurking again. I was distracted quite abruptly though, when we were surrounded by photographers, flashes going off like machine guns. Henry pulled me closer to him, so he could shield me, not from being caught with him, but to avoid being pushed around. We were a publically known item, so it didn't matter that they got pictures of us, but it was the aggressive nature the pictures were obtained by. Henry was calm and clear with them. "You can take pictures, but please don't push or shove. Mind Ellie, please", he said in an assertive voice, holding his hand in front of me, so no one would touch me. Airport security was ready to help us through the crowd of photographers and into the VIP lounge. 

First class was unreal. Our seats were shielded by partitions to provide privacy from other travellers in the cabin. There was plenty of room and the seats reclined, so we could sleep comfortably compared to Economy seats. The flight attendants were helpful and very professional about flying with celebrities like Henry. They didn't act as if he was any different from anyone else, and they kept out of our hair, unless we called for them. 

We settled into our seats and as the plane took off, Henry held my hand and assured me that everything would be fine. 

"You know I'm not scared of flying, right?" I said, smiling at him. 

"Really? But you seem so nervous", he said looking confused. 

"I'm nervous about meeting your family", I admitted. "I really want them to like me, because I love you". 

"Oh baby", he said and squeezed into my seat, so he could hold me. "My mother is the most loving person in the world. She is going to absolutely adore you. She kinda already does, even if she hasn't met you yet", he kissed my hand and smiled at me. 

"What if I just... mess up?" I whispered. 

"You won't. I'm going to be there with you all the way. And if anything makes you uncomfortable, tell me. Wink at me three times and cough, or something", he said holding back a chuckle. 

He made me laugh. I mimicked his suggestion and he burst out laughing. "Not a good look for me?" I asked, laughing. 

He pulled me closer, holding my face in his hands so he could kiss me. Slowly and softly at first, growing into a deeper more passionate kiss. 

"Are you in the mile high club?" he joked and smirked at me. 

I nudged him and rolled my eyes. "Of course I am!" I said, howling of laughter as he looked at me with an expression of utter shock. "No I'm not, are you?" I asked, well-aware that he was. 

He nodded and covered his face with his hands, embarrassed to admit that he was. I tutted at him teasingly and leaned back in to kiss him. 

I knew he had history. I knew some names, but I was aware that the list was probably longer. I had contemplated asking him about his previous relationships so many times, but when all came to all, I just didn't need to know, what he had done with whom, or how many he had been with. I suppose there was an element of jealousy involved, but mostly I didn't want anything to tarnish us. The past led us to where we were now, and whatever we had passed on the way, made us the people we were.

Henry was getting a little handsy much to my amusement. I drew back and looked at him, raising an eyebrow, which made him snicker at me. He slid his hands up under my hoodie and stroked my back, the other hand finding my breast. I sucked in my breath, nervous that someone might see what we did. Henry smirked at me and pulled his hand away from my back to put it to his lips and shush me. And there it was, that feeling I had had in the back of the limousine in Las Vegas, the excitement of being in a place, where we could potentially be caught. In the limousine everything had been soundproof. That was not the case here.

If people wanted to see, it wouldn't be difficult for them. The lights were dimmed and the flight attendants only came if you asked them to. The idea of being caught was equally terrifying and exciting. The seats were spacious, but it was a tight fit lying next to each other.

"There isn't much wiggle room", Henry pointed out, making me chortle. He tried to wiggle out of his hoodie and t-shirt. It took a few tries, and when he finally succeeded he collapsed, feigning total exhaustion. I slid out of mine effortlessly and he glared at me pretending to be annoyed. I made a face at him, which made him grab me and place me on his lap. I shifted my position, so I was straddling him and we were face to face. He put his hands behind my back and swiftly opened my bra, sliding it off me. "It's only fair if we're both topless", he whispered.

I rolled my eyes at him, but found him so irresistible and charming when he teased me that way. "Kiss me", I mouthed at him, refusing to whisper, because I was tense about getting caught.

"Where?" He mouthed, just to spite me.

I pointed to my mouth, sending him a serious glare, but unable to keep a straight face.

He leaned forward and gave me a tiny peck on the lips. I looked at him with displeasure and pinched him in the side.

He laughed, causing me to put my hand over his mouth and shushing him. I gave him a stern look, as if I was asking him if he was going to behave, before I moved my hand away from his mouth.

He was being cheeky and teasing me, but he leaned in to kiss me, very well-aware of the intensity he was putting in the kiss. It was one of those kisses that just went straight to my core, where he had me completely spellbound, on the verge of climaxing just by the depth of his kiss.

My breath hitched as I let out a moan in his mouth. I was so surprised by my reaction that I ended the kiss, and put my hand over my mouth. There was no way that someone didn't hear that. Henry chuckled and put his finger over his lips and shushed me.

"They probably just think someone is watching porn", he whispered, holding my gaze. I was still sitting with my hand over my mouth. Henry found it so amusing. He walked his fingers down my stomach and down to the lining of my pants. I cocked an eyebrow at him as he slid his hand down my pants and into my panties. He slowly started stimulating me, still holding my gaze. I removed my hand from my mouth and crashed my lips on his, kissing him with such intensity. I was so lost in it, I forgot to care what kind of noises we were making. 

It was getting quite intense and I wanted more. "I want you inside me", I whispered. He immediately stopped what he was doing and let me get up to remove the rest of my clothes. He slid his jeans and boxers down and very quickly helped me back on top of him, taking him in. 

We started rocking together, slowly so we didn't make too much noise. We both had to be very careful not to make any sounds, so I placed my hand over his mouth and he placed his hand over mine. When he was just about to come, he slid his other hand down between us and rubbed against me, pushing me over the edge with him. It took all I had in me not to moan or whimper, as I placed my head on his chest, completely out of breath. 

"Welcome to the mile high club", he whispered in my ear, cheekily and very satisfied with himself.

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