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Being with Henry was effortless. We enjoyed each other's company and things were simple. We worked together and got the livingroom painted and ready to move the furniture into place. I had a few things I wanted to buy, so Henry suggested that maybe it was time for the ultimate test - a trip to IKEA. I laughed and wondered why that was a test. 

"They say that if a couple can survive a trip to IKEA, they're meant to be", Henry explained with a huge grin on his face. 

"Sounds interesting. I wish we could", I laughed and scrolled through the catalogue. 

"Of course we can", Henry said sounding a little surprised at my reaction. "Why shouldn't we?"

I was perplexed that he would even suggest it. It would mean going out in public together. I wasn't aware he could or would do that. 

"But are you sure? We'll probably be seen", I asked feeling a little hopeful he would say yes. 

"Yeah, of course. Who cares who sees, I've already announced you, haven't I? And maybe if they saw us out together people would see me happy", he smiled at me and stroked my cheek. 

"Well... what would Jeff say?" I somehow felt like I needed his consent. 

Henry laughed and hugged me. "Jeff doesn't decide for me, El. Besides he wants me to be happy. This makes me happy. Let's go!"


We had picked a good time to be in IKEA. It was late and most people didn't shop this late. Henry reassured me several times that it was fine that we were seen together, and that I just needed to be myself. He held my hand, cuddled and kissed me like any couple would. I started relaxing and felt lighter. I teased him and made him laugh, we made silly faces posing in the mirror section and he tested all the couches. We had a wonderful time just goofing around and at the same time I found things I wanted for the annexe. 

When we came to the section with posters and frames, Henry went and found a collection of frames. "You need a picture of me in your bedroom", he said and winked. I giggled and kissed him, making sure to lean in close to whisper in his ear:

"Can it be a boudoir photo?"


We arranged the livingroom and Henry turned out to be quite the handyman when it came to assembling IKEA furniture. I was very impressed and kept high fiving him when he succeeded. He laughed and claimed that it was easy-peasy. 

He went out for a while to print photos and I invited Gayle to come see what we had done. 

"Wow, this looks awesome", she exclaimed when she saw the room. "You're really good at decorating, you know?"

"Henry did the tough part, I mostly pointed", I chuckled. 

"No, you have an eye for decorating. Have you ever thought about doing it professionally?" she asked while walking around the room, taking in the décor. "I'm serious, El. You could help me get houses ready for sale."

I reflected for a moment. "Don't you need training for that?"

"No, I wouldn't think so. I mean yeah, if you were to call yourself an interior decorator or something like that, but we'd make up our own version. I'd hire you on my team. It would be legitimate", she was very enthusiastic about it and to be honest so was I. 

"I mean... Yes, I'd love to!" I exclaimed and hugged her. 

She cheered and shook my hand. "Welcome aboard, you can call me Boss", she sniggered. 

I laughed and nudged her shoulder. I was excited about it, but at the same time anxious to have to quit my job at the PR firm. I wondered what Bob would think. 

Henry returned and joined our talk. He was extremely supportive and thought it was a great idea. He commended Gayle's visionary outlook and encouraged me to grab the opportunity. He had a few houses I was welcome to give a once-over as well. Gayle was immediately interested in hearing about his property and if he was thinking about selling. Henry laughed and promised Gayle that he would keep her in mind if he was to sell. 

"How long are you here for anyway?" Gayle asked. I was a little stunned by her directness, but at the same time I was happy that she asked, because I still hadn't found a way to ask him. 

"For as long as she needs me", he answered motioning to me. I smiled at him, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. 

"You might as well put those houses up for sale then", I joked and winked at him. He laughed and shrugged towards Gayle. 

"Well there you have it", he said and went into the bedroom and started arranging photos in frames.

As soon as he was out of hearing distance, Gayle leaned closer to me and whispered: "This seems to be getting serious, huh?"

I nodded and whispered back: "Yeah, we just passed the IKEA test - that means we're meant to be". 

Gayle looked at me quizzically and I winked as if it was something she was supposed to understand. 


As I crawled into bed that night my head was full of joy and hope. Henry cuddled me and asked if I was doing okay. 

"I'm better than okay", I replied weaving fingers with him. His hand was big and rugged next to mine. That was what playing guitar would do. "I feel lighter somehow. I've been wanting to ask you if you would stay, so I'm glad to know that you're not in a rush to leave".

"No rush at all, love. I can record and produce from anywhere in the world. And I want to be here with you", he kissed my hand before placing it on his chest. "Feel my heart?" His heart was beating slow and steady. "You calm me, Ellie. I need to be calm for a while. Touring is tough, it takes its toll physically and mentally. I'm tired and need to be just, well Henry".

I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. It was calming and just like that I got to fall asleep in Henry's arms. 

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