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The next morning I woke to the sound of clattering from the kitchen and Henry singing a song, I didn't know. It sounded lovely though. Like something Stevie Nicks would sing. Like most other women my age I had quite the love affair with Stevie's music - on vinyl of course.

I snuck out of bed and pulled one of Henry's shirts over my head. It smelled like him. Breathing in his scent made my stomach tingle. What was going on with me? I left the bedroom and walked down the hall to find Henry in the midst of making pancakes. The kitchen was a terrible mess, but there he was in the middle of it all only wearing his boxers and an apron saying "Spice Girl" written in letters shaped as chillies. Since the house belonged to the Beckhams, presumably it belonged to Victoria "Posh Spice".

Henry sent me a huge smile and exclaimed: "Breakfast is almost ready!"

He had a spatula in one hand and a bowl of batter in the other. I loved the fact that he would cook me breakfast. It obviously wasn't something he was used to doing, so I couldn't help but feel grateful and special that he would do it for me.

I sat at the breakfast counter and ate pancakes. They were not half bad. Henry looked at me while I ate, searching my face for a reaction. I smiled at him, but suddenly gripped my throat pretending I was choking on the pancake. I immediately giggled which made him jump around the kitchen counter to grab me. We laughed as he pretended he was about to do the Heimlich maneuver.

He was by far the most handsome man I had ever set eyes on. His skin was flawless, tanned and beautiful with tattoos that just suited him so well. He was firm and toned, no doubt he spent a lot of time working out to keep in shape. I traced his jawline with my finger and felt the stubble coarse against my fingertip. My heart was beating faster from excitement at the idea of just climbing on top of him and having my way with him. Again a new sensation for me. I was acting like a horny teenager!

Henry was watching me intently with that little smirk on his lips. No doubt he had an idea what I was thinking about. He sat down on the stool next to me at the breakfast counter and kept smirking at me.

"What?" I said with a small giggle and felt the shyness climb up my neck and cheeks.
He grinned and put his hand on my thigh, which immediately sent hot waves up between my legs.

"You're doing something to me..." I continued a little embarrassed to admit that he continuesly turned me on.

"I know." He answered cheekily and moved his hand up my thigh. He didn't do anything in particular, just moved his hand which made me move a bit on the stool.
He kept eyecontact and even that was a massive turn on for me. I could easily drown in those beautiful green eyes and die happily.
I sensed he liked making me make the first move. It was a bit of a game to him, but he wasn't playing with me. Everything he did to me was respectful and on my terms. So when I jumped down from my stool and crawled up on his lap he gave into the pleasure and let me lead.

"I want you to touch me", I whispered in his ear and placed a kiss on his earlobe.

"Here?" He whispered back and stroked my arms with both hands.

"Nope", I giggled and rolled my eyes at him.

"Hm...here then?", he asked while stroking my clavicles, bending his face down to place a kiss right on my chestbone.

"Nah...", I sighed leaning my head back stretching my arms, so he could remove his tshirt from me.
He did so in a swift move and went back to searching my body.

"Here maybe?", he said as he cupped my breasts in his hands, softly rubbing my nipples with his thumbs.

I let out a small moan and he leaned in and caught my lower lip between his teeth. I leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled back and continued teasing me.

"Could it be here?" he said circling around my belly button.

I shook my head vividly and bit my lower lip. He stared at my mouth for a couple of seconds obviously trying to maintain some self control.

He slowly let his fingers slide down over the top of my panties. I let a sigh slip out between my teeth as he gently put pressure on my center.

At this very moment my phone started ringing. I wanted to stay in the moment with Henry, but he moved his hand and nodded towards my phone. "It says Bob Boss".

I mouthed "I'm so sorry" and picked up the phone and ran into another room to answer.

"Bob! How are you?" I said slightly out of breath.

"Ellie is everything alright? You sound out of breath?", Bob asked in a concerned voice. He really was a very kind man.

"I was just doing some yoga", I lied while catching Henry eyeing me from the doorway. He had that cheeky smile on his lips as he put his hands together and mouthed namaste.
I had to cover my mouth not to laugh out loud while Bob started asking about business. It took all I had not to just hang up and crawl back on top of Henry and finish what we had started. But I was here because Bob agreed to let me work on site with a potential client. I had to respect my job even if I felt like getting lost in the moment with Henry and his deep, green eyes.

I arranged a meeting with Bob and Gayle on Skype later that afternoon. That would give me plenty of time to prepare Gayle and have my way with Henry. What on earth was going on with me?

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