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Gayle had calmed me and helped me narrow my worries down to two conversations: a call to my parents and a talk with Henry. 

I called my parents first. My mom picked up the phone so fast I almost felt like she had been sitting by it, waiting for it to ring. 

"Ellie!" She exclaimed, her voice a little shrill. "How are you?"

"Hey mom. I'm good thanks, how are you and dad?" I hoped this conversation would settle things so I made sure to sound happy and cheerful. 

"We're just fine, Ellie. It's been a difficult couple of weeks, we've been worried about you and then Adam was in his accident and that was a real fright. So awful! I sent the Parsons flowers and a card, just to let them know we're thinking of them." Mom dove right into what I needed her for. 

"That was nice of you, mom. I think Lucy and Dan need all the support they can get right now, and I think you are the right one to give them that support. You are used to working on projects for the church, right?" Flattery would drive someone like my mom far. 

She agreed that it would be good for her to offer the Parsons support and she would go see Adam and help him if she could. She had a bit of a superwoman complex, thinking she could raise a man from a coma, but if it kept her out of my hair, I wouldn't oppose. 

"Dad and I saw you on TV", she changed the subject. I paused a little to see if she would add an opinion or maybe even say something positive about it. She didn't. 

"Oh?" I waited for her to say what she needed to say. 

"Yes, it was very nice. The neighbors have all mentioned they saw you and that it is quite a fine, young man you have", emphasis on young, of course. "We were very happy to hear that people like Henry". 

I rolled eyes at the phone, glad she couldn't see me. "Mmmm", I hummed not really caring what their neighbors thought of Henry. I wanted her to say: "We thought you looked beautiful together" or "We were proud of the two of you" or something like that. But it was typical for mom to focus outwards; what did the neighbors think about them. 

"Ellie? Are you there?" Mom sounded annoyed that I took so long to answer. 

"Yes, I'm here", I paused while thinking what Gayle would say, if she was here. "I'm so very happy with Henry and I hope the two of you will get to know him and include him in our family. That's all I wish of you". 

Mom was slow to react for once. Normally she would be quick with an answer and it would often be the wrong one, to be honest. "Of course, Ellie. We want you to be happy", she said in a voice I didn't hear often. It had a vulnerability my mom seldom showed. I felt a sting in my stomach, not sure how to react. 

"Thank you, mom", I replied in a small voice. 

"Dad and I have talked a lot about this and we support you. Henry seems to be a good man. Can I expect to see you for Christmas?" And there it was, the change of subject, so she could regain control and make sure we didn't get too emotional. There was no changing that and at least she had said something that meant a lot to me. 

"I'll see about Christmas, okay?" I said and she accepted that answer, before telling me about the neighbor's crazy dog and a pie contest they were hosting for the local homeless shelter.


Henry came home after spending a few hours with his friend and collaborator, Thomas, who was also known as Kid Harpoon. I had yet to meet him, but Henry often spoke of him and how influential Thomas was on his development as a songwriter. 

I was in the kitchen making dinner, when he came home. He smiled when he saw me, and hurried to put his things away so he could hug and kiss me. He pulled me close and my stomach fluttered with a thousand little butterflies.

"Hi", he said before landing his lips on mine, kissing me like he hadn't seen me in weeks. 

"Hi", I replied and smiled coyly. "How was your day?"

"I missed you", he whispered as he leant down and kissed my neck. It tickled, causing me to giggle. He smirked at me and kissed me on the forehead. "How about you?"

"I missed you, too", I said and buried my face in his chest. "And I need to talk to you about something", I murmered in his shirt. 

"What's up?" He asked, trying to make me look up. 

I kept my face buried in his chest a little longer, thinking about how I was going to ask him if I could stay. In the end I looked up and met his eyes feeling really vulnerable. "Gayle sold my house", I started. "And I... Well, I had a talk with her, and she really opened my eyes to something".

Henry was looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to get to my point. He was patient and seemed very aware that this was difficult for me. He kept holding me, which was so calming. 

"I love you and you love me. That's all that matters. You make me happy and I want to be with you. There's nothing keeping me in Scarsdale", I paused to see if he was catching what I was getting at. He smiled at me and I figured he probably knew where I was going. "And so I was thinking I might stay here. With you", my cheeks were flushed. 

Henry flashed his beautiful, radiant smile at me while he put his hands on my cheeks. "Really?" He said looking into my eyes, his green eyes filled with so much happiness. I nodded as much as I could with him holding my face and he laughed before he bent down and kissed me. I raised up to the tip of my toes and put my arms around his neck, kissing him back. 

"You'll move in with me?" He asked as if he needed to check he had heard me right.

"Mm-hmm", I said smiling at him and taking a deep breath. "It's a big decision, but it feels right". 

He smiled and nodded. "It is right. I love you so much". He lifted me up so I sat on the kitchen counter and placed himself between my legs. "I've been so worried you were having second thoughts about us and that you wanted to punch the brake on things."

I shook my head. "I don't want to brake anything. It just felt like I had so many untied lines, but Gayle helped me tie knots. I even called my mom and she said they support us", I smiled at him, overwhelmed by the happiness in his eyes, as he heard what I said. He leaned closer and kissed me softly and so lovingly that I just knew he was truly happy. 

"Can I take you to England now?" He asked as he pulled away from the kiss. "I need you to meet my family". 

I took a deep breath and nodded. It was time.

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