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We sat on the beach until the sun had set. We talked about all kinds of things. We laughed, we cried and for a while we were just silent together. We took a trip down memory lane remembering how Gayle had had way too much to drink at a frat party in college and Ana had to transport her back to the dorm in a wheelbarrow they stole from the custodian building. I was supposed to help, but Adam had picked me up and I slept in his dorm. I came home the next morning to find Sarah sleeping in the wheelbarrow in the hall at our dorm. Ana was sound asleep in her own bed in our room. 

"You literally just parked me in the hallway...", Gayle howled through laughter, while both Sarah and I were doubling over in the sand. Ana emptied her glas and said: "Hey, at least I didn't leave you in the parking lot. 


We went up to the main building of the resort to have dinner and drinks. It was a huge resort with several bars, restaurants and an activity centre. We settled on a sushi place with rotation sushi. The restaurant was full, but it still had a calm and warm atmosphere. It didn't feel like there were many guests, but you could hear people chatting around the conveyor belt even though you couldn't see them on the other side. 

There was a group of people on the other side who seemed to be enjoying themselves like us. I could hear them laughing and chatting and it sounded like some of them might be English. If I really focused I could hear bits of what they were saying. There was a deep voice with a british accent, which caught my ear several times. The man - or so I assumed - spoke softly with a sort of dragging, slow voice. I knew nothing of british accents, so I couldn't say where it was from, but it was pleasant to listen to.

Sarah went to the ladies' room. When she came back she sat down and whispered, so we all had to lean in to hear her: "There is a group of people on the other side there", she pointed. "I could swear I've seen some of them before, not sure where though". 

Gayle was the first one to get up and go to the ladies' room just so she could have a look for herself. When she came back she shook her head and said: "I'm not sure. One of them might look like he was on that talent show, America's Got Talent or whatever it's called". 

Ana and I decided to go together. We were a bit tipsy by now and ended up laughing about something silly in the ladies' room. When we came back to the restaurant the party had left. Gayle and Sarah had paid our check and were ready to go. 

"Darn it, I was hoping to see a celebrity!" Ana sighed as we walked from the sushi place. 

"It probably wasn't even a celebrity", Gayle said to lighten the mood. "Let's go somewhere and get a few more drinks, shall we?"

I had already had quite a bit to drink. I wasn't drunk, but tipsy and lightheaded.

"Oh. My. God." Sarah exclaimed suddenly. "It's a karaoke bar!"

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