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I was beginning to feel nervous. It hit me how much had changed the past year. How fast everything had gone for us. Here we were merely hours away from our wedding. It was quite the contrast to Adam, who I had been with for 8 years before we got married. But time wasn't a quality stamp, and as wrong as my marriage with Adam had been, as right everything with Henry was. I had known after just a few days that what we had, was what I needed, and I was so happy that I went with that feeling. 

My makeup was in the capable hands of the stylist, who had done my makeup for the BBMAs. She kept my makeup natural, but her version of natural was so much prettier, than I could do myself. She added a little blush, a nude lipstick and mascara and it looked so much better than when I did it. "You're a magician!" I exclaimed when I looked myself in the mirror.
She laughed and made a little gesture with her makeup brush pretending it was a wand.

My friends' reaction to me in my wedding dress was priceless. Kleenex were being passed around and I blushed at all the praise I was getting. There was a knock on the door, and my parents came in, both stunned to see me. Mom cried and even dad had to dry his eyes. "Are you ready for this?" He asked, smiling at me. I nodded, then shook my head. Everyone laughed and Gayle squeezed my shoulder.

"Is he here yet?" I asked, sounding more nervous than I intended.

Dad nodded. "Oh yes. He's been here a while. He's looking mighty dapper."

Mom agreed. "He is so excited, Ellie. Such a fine man. You've done well there". My mom's words really touched me and I had to do my best, not to cry and ruin my makeup.

Gayle saw mom out and Glenne helped dad to a little glass of champagne, before the ceremony started. I was taking deep breaths when Gayle returned. She brought a beautiful bouquet of peonies. "For you", she said and smiled. "Are you doing alright, Elliepea?"

I nodded. "I'm just very nervous right now. Have you seen him?"

"Yeah, just now. He had your bouquet. He was asking for you, I think he was a little nervous you might not come down". She chuckled and helped me put my necklace from Henry on. "He's emotional, but everything is ready downstairs. The guests are seated and James is helping Jeff keep Henry stable". 

I sighed, my nerves were really acting up now. "Well, should I go get married then?" 


My bridesmaids were off first, except for Gayle, who would be behind me all the way. She was going to make sure my dress was looking flawless. Dad put his arm forward, smiling as I took it. He led me down the stairs and into the living room, where we would go through french doors, taking us down to the garden. I had to stop in the living room to catch my breath, my heart racing, my hands shaking. Gayle put her hand on my shoulder and whispered: "Just a few more steps and he's there". 

I took a deep breath and nodded to dad. He gave me the thumbs up and we walked towards the french doors. When we stepped out, "You Saw Me" was played by a violin quartet. People turned in their seats to see us coming down towards the flower arch, where Henry was waiting along with James and our friends. 

Henry was wearing a very well-tailored, black suit. He wore a white shirt under, unbottoned, no tie. Exactly the way he knew I liked it. His hair was perfectly styled, curls and waves, and stubble on his chin. He was so handsome, it physically hurt. He smiled the biggest smile when he saw me, and then he started crying. Jeff was ready with a tissue, and used one himself as well. I smiled at people when we passed them and even though I was nervous and a little uncomfortable being in the spotlight, I carried myself the best I could. As I came closer to Henry, he was smiling through tears, eyes fixed on me. I winked at him when we were just about there and he laughed, his eyes happy. Dad very kindly handed me over, which I found so funny I giggled, and Henry thanked him, and promised he would take care of me. 

"Hi", I whispered as he took my hand. 

"Hi", he smiled and laughed a little at his own reaction. 

Our guests laughed heartedly as well, it was very cute the way he was melting in front of me. 

"You're so beautiful", he leaned in and whispered. 

"So are you", I whispered back.

James was the perfect choice to officiate us. He made a heartfelt and warm speech to us, where he wished us all the best and thanked me for finally taking Henry off their hands. It was the perfect mix between sweet and serious, his humorous approach to the ceremony kept us and our guests laughing throughout the entire event. 

James asked Jeff for the rings, and he of course made a joke about not having them, and we chuckled at him. 

"Right. Do you, Ellie Parsons, take Henry Stiles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" James asked. 

I pretended to think, which made people laugh. "Of course I do!", I said holding Henry's hand. He smiled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. 

"And do you, Henry Stiles, take Ellie Parsons to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Henry smirked at me and nodded. "I do". People clapped and cheered. 

"Okay, okay! "Now, Ellie, please place the ring on Henry's finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed". James was alternating between drying his eyes and blowing his nose between his lines. 

I put the ring on Henry's finger and repeated: "With this ring, I thee wed". 

"Henry, please place the ring on Ellie's finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed". James was having a hard time keeping it together by now, much to our amusement. 

Henry took my hand in his and slid the ring on my finger, lingering a moment to look me in the eyes and caress my hand. "With this ring, I thee wed", he said, his voice deep and emotional. 

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Henry, you may kiss your bride", James exclaimed as everyone cheered and clapped. 

Henry put one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek, bent down and kissed me. A long, passionate kiss. He paused to whisper "I missed you", and kissed me again. 

"Wow there!" James exclaimed and laughed. "May I introduce to you, Mrs. and Mr. Stiles". We thanked our guests and just when we were about to turn around and walk away, James stopped us. "Oh, by the way! There was something you wanted me to read, right?" He fished an envelope from his chest pocket. 

We nodded and stayed put for a moment. James opened the envelope and started reading aloud: 

"Thank you, one and all for being here today to celebrate this day with us. We are beyond happy to have such supportive and wonderful people in our lives. It is no secret that we love each other very much, some of you probably knew that before we did. We have not spent a day hiding our love, because we couldn't. Hiding it was never an option for us. We have been hiding something though." James paused and looked up, as others began mumbling and looking quizzical. "In Ellie's belly is a hidden golden nugget, a little life who won't stay hidden much longer." 

At this point I held my stomach, so the dress folded a little and my bump was visible. 

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