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My heart was still beating faster as we went on to the next interview. It was with Zane Lowe from Apple Music. Yet another interviewer Henry had history with and that Jeff had pointed out to be a good idea to talk to. 

Henry and Zane hugged and Zane greated me with a peck on the cheek as we introduced ourselves. I held onto Henry's arm and he squeezed me to calm my nerves. I was so nervous that someone would ask me a question, I couldn't answer, or that I'd somehow look foolish. Glenne had advised me to smile and let Henry lead, so that was what I kept telling myself. 

"Henry, it's been a while! Looks like you have been enjoying your hiatus," Zane said in a thick New Zealand accent, while gesturing towards me.

Henry chuckled and smiled his devilishly charming smile. "More than ever. I've been writing a lot of new music. I'm feeling very inspired". 

"That's awesome news", Zane smiled and gave Henry a thumbs up. "I'll be looking forward to hearing your new album, when it's ready. Have you set a release date yet?"

Henry shook his head. "No, not yet. I've been touring on and off for three years. I need a break and some time to be just Henry."

"That sounds like a good plan, man", Zane nodded. "And I'm taking it that a good portion of that break time will be spent with Ellie, here".

"All of it if I get to decide", Henry answered and looked at me with a loving expression. 


We finished the red carpet and were shown to a table in the arena. Glenne and Jeff were already there along with Henry's other good friend, James Corden and his wife, Julia. I knew who James was, I had seen the talk show he used to host. Henry introduced me to James and Julia, and they were very happy to meet me. 

"You have no idea how badly I have wanted to meet you, Ellie!" James said and hugged me. "You're a looker, my God!" 

I blushed. "Henry's stylist is a magician", I pointed out. 

James laughed and shook his head. "You're right Henry, she doesn't see herself. Love, you're a beaut, perfect for our Henry". 

Henry was beaming at me, looking so proud to be with me. I took his hand and instantly felt more calm. All the excitement of the red carpet was hitting me and I began feeling a little anxious. I was happy it was over, to be honest. It was hard work smiling for so long, and the idea of someone watching you so intensely was not something that aligned very well with my introverted personality.

Henry pulled out a chair for me to sit and sat down next to me. Jeff sat on my other side. The show was about to start and Sean "Diddy" Combs, who was hosting the event, started the show with a bang. I found it surprisingly difficult to follow, it was not at all like watching it on television. On top of that I didn't know many of the bands that were performing. Luckily our company was a lot of fun, and we had drinks, snacks and relaxed. Jeff explained all the little things I was baffled by, which was kind of him. Henry was constantly touching me; his hand on my thigh, his arm linked in mine, holding my hand, his hand on my back. I felt calm and safe knowing that he was close. 

When the award for music video of the year was up, Jeff leaned in and told me that Henry was nominated for this one. I made an excited expression and crossed my fingers. 

The award was presented by Katy Perry. The big screens showed clips of the nominated videos and the artists. When Henry was mentioned the crowd started cheering so loudly. His beautiful face beamed on the big screen. He was on a big, black horse looking like a prince from a fairytale. I leaned into him and he pulled me close and kissed my temple. 

"Ooh, this is so exciting!" Katy Perry exclaimed after the announcement of the nominees. "And the winner is... Henry Stiles!" She did a little dance and our table was lit up, cameras filming the table as Henry got up and waved. Then he walked all the way up to the stage, hugged and kissed Katy Perry and received his award. 

"Wow, thank you!" He started his speech. "I'm so honored to receive this award. I am proud to be nominated along with such talented artists. This video was made by the incredibly talented Tanu Muino, and I am so thankful to her for her creative process and patience with me. There are lot of people I want to thank. The crew working on set with us, the extras and artists featured in the video. My band and my management, my friends and my family, I thank you for always supporting me. My beautiful girlfriend, Ellie. Thank you for seeing me. And of course every single one of you, who have supported me, bought my albums and watched my videos. Without you, there would be no me. Thank you!"

The crowd roared as he bowed and sent fingerkisses around, smiling and holding his award over his head. 

"He's so good at this", Jeff whispered as we stood and clapped while Henry was on his way back to the table. "They love him." 

I nodded. "He's so genuine all the time. I think they sense that", I said and Jeff squeezed my arm. 

Henry came back to our table and hugged James and Jeff. He cheek kissed Julia and Glenne. I opened my arms to him and he hugged me tight and lifted me up. "I'm so proud of you, baby", I whispered in his ear and he pulled me close to kiss me. There were people everywhere, cameras as well. But we didn't care. I kissed him back and for a moment it was almost as if everything around us disappeared.


When the show ended there was an after-party. Henry's friends were super excited to go, drinking champagne and in very high spirits. We had had quite a lot to drink and I was beat;  it had been a long day with a lot to process. But I wanted to go where Henry went. 

"Are you tired, love?" Henry asked and pulled me onto his lap as we were all in the limousine enroute to the after-party. 

"Mm-hmm", I admitted and leaned into him, my face resting against his chest. His heartbeat was calm and soothing. 

"Should we go back to the hotel?" he asked while playing with my hair. 

"I will go wherever you go", I said, trying not to sound tired. But I was very tired, my eyes almost falling shut as I rested on his chest. 

"Hey Jeff, I think I want to head to the hotel, is it okay we drop you guys off?" Henry asked. 

I never heard what Jeff replied, already fast asleep in Henry's arms.

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