Chapter - 14

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Claire and Sky came to the place from where they all went their ways. They waited there for a while, joking and laughing with each other. They saw Melanie and Ray walking together at a distance. "Ray!" Claire called him and he turned to her. They both approached them. "How was your day?" He asked her. "Very good." She smiled widely. "Glad to hear that." He said and saw Lucy also coming towards them.

She came there and Melanie noticed the necklace in her neck. "This is so pretty!" She complimented her. "Thank you, princess." Lucy bowed to her. "No need to bow at me every time, consider me as your friend." She said and Lucy nodded with a little smile. "We should quickly head back now, princess." Jake said while looking at the sky. 

They all started to go back to the castle. Claire was increasing her pace to which Sky spoke up. "Why are you hurrying this much?" He asked her. "This is another rule of Andria according to which the royal females are not allowed to stay outside after sunset." She told him. "But this is not right. What is even the reason for it?" He asked her. "I know this isn't right and about the reason I do not know anything about that." She said and increased her pace even more. "Wait for me!" Sky ran behind her.

They all finally reached the castle. "Today was a very nice day!" Lucy said and sat down at the dining table. "Indeed." Ray said and they all began eating their dinner. "I really want to know more about Andria, I cannot wait for tomorrow." Sky said while looking at Claire. "Me too." She replied. "You guys are really getting along very well." Ray said to them and they both nodded at him while smiling. 

Julia was standing in the balcony enjoying the cool breeze when her maid Maria came to call her. "Prince Kevin and his majesty are calling you." She said and went from there. She got confused on this sudden call but still went there. 

She entered inside the library and saw both of them sitting there while facing each other. She went there and sat in between both of them at the end of the table. The atmosphere was very tense so she decided to break it. "Why did you call me father?" She asked him totally ignoring Kevin. "I am going to give this kingdom to Kevin soon." He said making her shocked. "But why? You are ruling this Kingdom very finely." She said to him. "I think this is the time. I know you will keep it all together." He smiled at her.

"Right, this is the reason why I am here at the first place." She thought to herself and nodded hesitantly. "You have to respect me from now on." Kevin said to her with a smirk on his face. "You are not the king 'yet'." She emphasized that word and went from there. Kevin gritted his teeth in anger and got up to go from there.

Julia entered inside her room and sat down on her bed. "This kingdom will not survive under his reign." She thought to herself and began thinking of ways to stop this. "This is useless. There is no way you can stop me from inheriting the throne of Sinsila." She heard Kevin and looked at the door and saw him standing there. "I am the only heir to this throne and about father, his death is near." He said to her. "Who gave you the rights to talk like this about the king?" She clenched her jaw.

"Why are you so worried about him? He isn't even your own father. You were a mere orphan. We are the ones who gave you this luxury so behave and be grateful." He said while stepping near her. "I will never treat you with the respect you do not deserve." She said to him.

This made him angry and he came and grabbed her neck. He removed the cloth which was covering her eye and threw it away. "If you cross your limits then I will make sure to give you a scar more deeper than this." He harshly left her neck making her stumble back and went out slamming the door behind him. She sat down on the floor and tears left her eyes. The flashback of that night came in her mind.


"Please do not do this!" She begged him while joining her hands. "You complained to father about me and also tried to contact Andria! I will not forgive you for this!" Kevin kicked her stomach and she groaned in pain. "Why are you doing this with me! What have I done! You are the one for whom they brought me here! I was living peacefully in Andria but you forcefully brought me here!" She cried loudly.

"Your parents died in that war! We are the ones who gave you a family and this comfort." He said to her while crouching down at her level. "Is this what you call family?" She said in a low voice and more tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Learn to obey me." He said to her and got up. Gathering all the strength that was left in her, Julia also got up on her feet stumbling a bit. She went near him and looked him directly in the eye. "I will never respect a person like you." She said to him. The next moment she felt a stinging pain in her cheek. The corner of her lips started bleeding. She looked at Kevin and saw him breathing heavily in anger.

"You do not deserve any of this!" He said and destroyed all the things kept in his room. "Don't you think doing this will enrage father?" She said to him. "I will never let him know this." He said to her. 

"What are you doing Kevin!!" He heard his father's yell from behind and turned behind while shaking in fear. "I did not do anything! It's all her fault! She is the one who is behind this state of me!" He said and grabbed a vase kept on the small table. 

"She should be punished for this!" He yelled and marched towards Julia with full speed giving her no time to move and slammed that vase on her head. "KEVIN!!!!!!!!" The king quickly ran towards Julia and held her unconscious body. He saw her head bleeding heavily and a piece of glass stuck near her eyelid.

He quickly called the royal medic and told them to take care of her. He came to Kevin and harshly slapped him. "You have no rights to harm her!" He yelled at him making him flinch. The king signaled the guards to come to him. "I order you to keep him in the dungeon for the whole week without any food." He ordered them and went from there.

Kevin kept on pleading but the king did not even look back and kept on walking away while the guards dragged him away. 

Sitting inside the dark cell of the cruel dungeon he curled up his fists. "It is all because of you Julia." He gritted his teeth and vowed to make her life a living hell.

Here, Julia woke up with a huge bandage on her head and eye. "How are you feeling?" She saw her father sitting their with a worried face. "I don't know, I can't feel anything." She said to him which broke his heart. "I apologize on his behalf. I know an apology is not enough to lessen the pain you went through." He looked down not knowing what to say. "Apologies do help in lessening the mental pain but it only works if the person who gave you the pain does so." She said and took the mirror which was kept near her.

 With her other eye, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Why am I so weak?" She asked herself and took a light colored cloth on the side table and wrapped it on her eyes. She again looked at herself in the mirror. "Is this my new identity now?" She tried to control her tears but failed and started crying at her own state.


She looked at the cloth which Kevin just threw away. "It's crazy how you were the one to give me this scar and now you are the one who also took that cloth off." She took a deep breath and went to pick that up. "I was wrong, it is not my new identity but just a version of me which I decided to make my identity." She picked up that cloth and intensely looked at it.

"But from now on I will embrace this scar because it too is a part of me." She said and folded that cloth. "The next time I will ever wear this cloth will be on your death, Kevin." She kept that cloth among her other important stuff and closed the almirah. "I know that day will come soon."

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