Chapter - 58

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Years passed by and Kevin completely changed. He developed into a prince who rarely showed his emotions. He did not have affection towards anyone. He felt that every person he had ever loved left him. He was afraid to care for someone else and go through all that pain all over again. He became more and more drowned in getting the throne, the power and the authority to rule. He wanted to make all those people suffer and it was the perfect time as he was announced as the future King of Sinsila.

He did not care if everyone hated him. He just did not want one particular person to hate him but to his unfortune, she was the one who hated him the most for the thing that he did not even do. For the crime he never committed. When he saw Claire for the first time after so many years at Rose's wedding ball, he felt special. All those childhood feelings came rushing back to him.

"Would you mind coming to the dance floor with me, princess?"
"I wouldn't mind it."
"I'm Prince Kevin from the strongest Kingdom, Sinsila."
"I'm Claire."
"I already know that, Princess."

 He was happy when she accepted to dance with him but he felt that she was not at all comfortable with him. This broke his heart but he covered it up with his dark aura.

A few months later, he got to know that Claire was getting married to Prince Sky and he felt broken. The princess whom he loved since his childhood was now going to marry someone else. He tried his best to control his emotions but all of it just turned out to be changed into pure rage and jealousy.

He pretended to not love Princess Claire and only wanted her as a 'prize'. He did not want anyone to know about his true feelings for her. Somewhere in his heart, he realized that what he was doing was wrong but it was too late for him to back off now.

As time passed by, his love for Claire started to fade away as he saw her smiling and laughing with Sky. He did not want to hurt her feelings so he just tried to erase her from his mind and soon, he was able to do that. 

It was King Theo's coronation and he was standing outside in the garden, away from the others who were busy making tiaras. He saw Claire giving her tiara to Sky and they both looked very happy. He sighed and turned around when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He saw Lucy standing there with a tiara in her hand. "I do not have anyone to give this, can I give this to you?" She asked him and he just nodded at her.

When she kept that tiara on his head, he felt a familiar feeling which he felt after so long. "Thanks." He said to her and she went from there after giving him a small smile. He touched that tiara on his head and smiled to himself. "Her touch just felt like yours, mother."

"Why do you always do this? You keep on touching my head or ruffle my hairs."
"Because you are so cute like this."

"The way her hands touched my hair was so similar to yours..." He felt tears building up in his eyes and he quickly wiped them away and went back inside. For that whole day, he couldn't keep his eyes off Lucy and was staring at her the whole time. "I might understand me." He said to himself while looking at her.

A few days passed and it was the time for Claire and Sky's wedding. Kevin planned everything and he had to force Melanie to help him. 

"What do you want?"
"The answer is simple, I just want you to abduct 'a certain someone'."
"Princess Claire."

His true intention was to lure in Melanie so that he could use her to kill his father. He had no choice but to kill her mother to make her do what he wanted. 

He was standing in front of the Queen of Callios with his sword pointed at her. "I know you will hate me for this. I am not asking you to forgive me or to not hate me. I just want you to understand that I also have my reasons to do this." He said and took a deep breath. He ordered his guard James to attack her as he never raised his weapon on any woman since he was announced as the heir to Sinsila's throne at the age of sixteen.

After James did that, he held that sword in his hands to make it look like it was his fault. "MOTHER!!!" He heard Melanie's yell. "Why did you do it?" She came to him and kept her knife on his neck. "You disobeyed me by visiting Claire." He said to her and saw pure rage in her eyes.

"I, Melanie, as the queen of Callios, declare an open war on Sinsila." She said making him feel at a little ease knowing that his plan worked. He went from there and began preparing for the war. He intentionally made his troop formation father from the castle. After all, he wanted Melanie to aim for the castle and kill his father because even though he wanted revenge, he still couldn't raise his sword at his father.

And thankfully for him, this is what exactly happened. He went to the castle to see his father's dead body and was pleased to see that. But then he saw Melanie's dead body in Ray's arms too. He felt a pang of guilt in his heart and was not able to speak for a second. But he had to maintain his 'evil' image in front of him so he just spoke out some harsh words to him.

"I want to thank Queen Melanie for what she did. Because this only made this whole kingdom mine." He said to Ray but saw just pure rage in his eyes. Ray showed him the contract between him and Melanie and Kevin was a little shocked by that because that was unexpected. Before he could process all that information, Ray went out from there.

Kevin turned around and saw blood everywhere. He went to his father's dead body and crouched down at his level. He took that crown and put that on his head. "Ow...that must have hurt, father." He said. "I am glad you got to feel the same pain that you gave to my mother and my sister." His eyes darkened. 

"You thought I knew thought I was on your side? It was all an act just like how you acted to trust my mother. She did nothing wrong and still, she suffered...but you on the other hand did everything wrong and still was living peacefully with all the power you had. You were so proud of your Kingdom and your I will make sure to ruin it all. I don't care if I ruin myself in the process too." He said and got up.

He turned around and looked at the maids and guards who were hiding in fear. "Clean all this mess." He said to those maids. "Should we start preparing for the funeral?" One of the guards asked him. "I don't care...just bury him somewhere." He said to that guard and left from there.

The next day he got to know that a funeral for Melanie was being held in Callios castle. He wore a black robe and covered himself completely. He sneaked inside the castle and hid somewhere. He waited for all of them to go away from there because he did not want anyone to see him there.

A few hours later, he saw Lucy coming there and talking to Ray. He tried to hear their conversation but was not able to listen to anything. A few more minutes later, he saw Ray getting up and going back inside. He was looking miserable which made Kevin feel a little bad but he just ignored it and went to Melanie's grave.

He put down a red rose near her grave and knelt. "I know I did bad to your mother...and I do not deserve any forgiveness...I'm not asking you to forgive me...I'm here to thank you for what you did. Thank you for killing the person who made me like this. Thank you for finally freeing me from all that burden of hatred I was carrying in my heart for so long. I hope in peace, Queen." He said and got up, trying to find the shortest way to go from there.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Lucy who also saw him and was shocked. Before she could go back inside to tell the others, he grabbed her hand and stopped her from going. "Leave me!" She said to him with fear visible in her eyes. "Calm down, princess. I am not going to harm you." He said in a calm yet sad voice. Surprisingly, Lucy stopped fidgeting and stood straight.

"I want to talk to you about something...I hope you will understand me...I really hope you do...."

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