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*15 years later*

They all were now standing in front of that same castle which was now a luxurious museum. They have all graduated, have jobs, and have all settled down with their families. 

"It's crazy how time passed by so quickly." Jasmine said and Max nodded at her. "Mom, what are you talking about?" Her three-year-old daughter asked her. "She is talking about how we all came here years ago and this place has now completely changed." Melanie told her. "I still don't understand." She said to Melanie. "Ask your dad." Ray sighed. 

That girl looked at Max for answers. "I'll tell you at home." He said to her and ruffled her hair. Lucy and Kylie were standing together and Kevin and James were standing behind them. "I never thought that I would love the person I hate." Lucy spoke up. "I always loved you though, beautiful." Kevin said and wrapped his hands around her waist. 

"It is all because of this castle that we all could bond with each other even better." Kylie said while looking at James. "Agreed." James also looked at her with a spark in his eyes.

Rose was also looking at the front with some tears in her eyes. She felt Claire keeping her hand on her shoulder. "Why are you crying now?" She asked her. "I am not crying, it's just that it feels unreal how we all met again...and that we even had a connection in our past lives." She spoke up and Claire nodded at her. "But it's a good thing that we are now finally together...with no sad ending." Theo spoke and they all looked at him.

"Thanks to our past connection now we all have an even stronger bond with each other." Julia and Jake said in unison.

"Guys! Let's take a selfie!" Ray said and they all came closer. "Everybody smile!" He exclaimed and clicked that picture.

They all were glad that this was finally their happy ending. After what they had endured in their past lives, they all were now happy and...together. But amongst all this happiness, they also found out the answer to their question. 

"Was this our destiny?"

"Yes, It definitely was."

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