Chapter - 43

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*20 Years Ago*

Both Andria and Sophiesia were at a huge war with a foreign nation due to some secret attacks. All the towns were being destroyed and innocent lives were being taken. Both the kings were fighting to protect their nation. The queens were told to stay inside the castle for their safety along with their children but after seeing all this destruction, they both also decided to step out and fight for their people.

"You are not allowed to leave, your highness." A guard stopped the Queen of Sophiesia from going out. "Get out of my way if you want to live." She said to him in a manner which sent shivers down his spine and he stepped back in fear. The queen turned around and looked at her little daughter, Lucy who was hiding behind the curtain. 

"Come here." She motioned her with her hands and she came to her. The queen knelt at her level and placed a kiss on her head. "Take care of yourself and your brother, my little princess." She said to her with tears in her eyes. "Mother..." Lucy was about to cry but her mother motioned her not to. "Strong princesses, do not cry this easily." She said to her and wiped a little tear that slipped down her cheeks. "Don't be scared, I'll protect you all." She smiled at her and went away from there with her weapons.

The queen of Andria was also wearing her armor and was getting ready when she felt little fingers wrapping around her waist. She turned around to see her daughter, Rose who was crying badly. Seeing her made her tear as well. She knelt down to her level and held her hands. "Don't cry, darling." She wiped her tears and hugged her. "Mother...don't cry.." Rose also wiped her tears with her little hands. The queen smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"You will come back....right?" Rose asked her but she just looked down. "I don't know." She replied making Rose cry once again. "Rose, remember one thing, we are 'the royals'. It is our duty to sacrifice our lives to protect our loved ones and our people. They trust us and we should never ever break their trust. We have to fight for them." She said to Rose and she nodded slowly.

"I will also be like you when I grow up." Rose said and hugged her mother tightly. Her mother patted her head and pulled out after a few minutes. "Where is your sister?" She asked her. Rose pointed towards the decorated cradle. "She is sleeping." She said and the queen went to that cradle. She knelt down and saw her younger daughter sleeping peacefully. She placed a kiss on her forehead as well and got up.

She turned to Rose and looked at her in the eyes. "Can you promise me one thing, Rose?" She asked her. "Yes, mother." Rose replied while gulping a little. "Always take care of your sister and never leave her side." She and Rose nodded at her. "I promise."

The queen smiled at her for the last time and went out from there. When she was about to go out, she was blocked by some guards. "I'm sorry, your highness but his majesty has ordered us to not let you go anywhere." They said to her. "Before your majesty, this kingdom belongs to me. You will do as I say. Now get out of my way." She said and the guards cleared her way at once and she went out.

After that, both the queens proved themselves along with a lot of other women that women can be stronger than men. All of them fought together and sacrificed their lives for their people. The queen of Sophiesia died while protecting the injured kids and the queen of Andria was publicly executed by the enemy for destroying more than half of their army and warfare.


Rose watched Sky take away Claire from her sight with tears in her eyes. Claire was also looking back at her sister, her only family with overflowing tears. Just as they left, that whole place collapsed and Rose was crushed beneath those huge rocks. She was feeling immense pain and suffocation and was taking her last deep breaths. Her body felt like as if someone was breaking all her bones at once but she still managed to smile one last time for her beautiful memories.

"I fulfilled my promise mother, I never left my sister's side and I also became just like you. I was able to protect my loved ones just like you...."

Rose opened her eyes and she saw her parents and her husband standing in front of her as some sort of faint shadows. She was not able to move at all. She wanted to rush to them and hug them all but her body was not listening to her at all.

"We are proud of you, Rose." Her parents said her with a proud smile on their faces. "Mother...Father..." She was crying badly on seeing them. "You fulfilled the promise, darling. You did not let me down at all. You proved yourself that you are also a wonderful, loving, kind and powerful Queen." Her mother said to her with a smile on her face. "I wish that our son will also grow up like a strong and kind person, just like her mother." She heard Theo say to her. "Theo...." She was happy to see him once again.

"You are my sweet and loving princess." He said to her and bowed to her. "I hope we can dance like that once again in our next life." He said while smiling and slowly started to fade away. "Theo!" She yelled but he just smiled and faded away completely. She looked at parents and saw them fading away slowly as well. 

She just sat there in complete blankness, thinking about her loved ones once again. "I also do hope that in my next life as well, you will be the one to dance with me, Theo." "I hope that in my next life too I will get a lovely sister like you, Claire." "I hope that you will be my best friend again, Lucy." "I hope I could see my son, Theron grow up in my next life." She said and closed her eyes.


Rose opened her eyes and looked at Theo who was intensely staring at her. She jolted up on their closeness. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to s-scare you." Theo said and backed away but Rose jumped on him hugging him. "W-woah." Theo was taken aback by her sudden action. "Theo..." She started crying on his shoulder when she saw him safe and sound. Theo too hugged her back and felt at ease after seeing her awake. She saw Melanie and Jasmine and hugged them both as well. "I'm glad that you guys are fine." She said and they both hugged her as well.

"Claire?" She looked around and finally spotted her unconscious near a fallen book shelf. "Claire! Wake up!" She shook her but she did not move an inch. Jasmine came to her and kept her hand on her shoulder. "Wait for a while, Rose. She will wake up soon on her own."


"Let me go!" Claire was trying hard to get out of Sky's grip when he was making her sit on his horse along with him. "ROSE!! I have to go to her!! Leave me, Sky!!!" She was yelling uncontrollably. Sky grabbed her arms tightly and made her look at him. His eyes were red and teary as well and he had an angry yet sad look on his face. "We have to go back." He said and forcefully made her sit on that horse and rode off as fast as possible.

He himself was crying but he had no other choice. His heart was breaking so painfully that he could hear his own heart shatter into pieces. He was gripping on Claire's waist from one hand when he saw that she fell unconscious and he shrugged away his own tears.

"I'm sorry, Rose....and Claire...."

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